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In the Spotlight
August 2, 2021

SFC Joins Double the Pell National Campaign

Support Double Pell grantSt. Francis College is pleased to announce its support of #Double Pell, a new national campaign aimed at encouraging Congress to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000.

With over 700 Pell Grant recipients in attendance, the SFC asks that everyone, especially Pell Grant recipients, considers speaking out and engaging with the campaign in support of the effort to double the maximum award. Please see below ways you can get involved.

The Double Pell Alliance, a coalition of higher education associations, organizations, and advocacy groups, is organizing the campaign in support of doubling the maximum Pell Grant by the 50th anniversary of the creation of the program in June 2022. Having Pell-eligible students engage with the campaign is critical to the success of this effort.

Here are the things you can do:

  • Send an email to your members of Congress (your House member and both senators from your state) letting them know why the Pell Grant is so important to you and asking that they support efforts to double the maximum grant. The Take Action page of the #DoublePell website has a template email message you can use and a quick and easy way to send your message to Congress directly from that site.
  • Share your story on the Pell Voices page of the campaign website so others can see what the Pell Grant program means to you and how doubling the maximum award would help you.
  • Use your social media accounts to speak out in favor of doubling the maximum Pell Grant and encourage others to do the same. The Take Action page of the campaign website has some graphics you can use. Be sure to use #DoublePell in all of your posts.
  • Learn more about the importance of the Pell Grant program on the Resources page of the campaign website.
  • Ask your families and friends to get involved, as well, by sending emails to their members of Congress and engaging via social media using the Take Action page.

For more information, contact Linda Werbel Dashefsky at [email protected].

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