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Faculty | Emeritus Professor

Arnold J. Sparr

Contact Information

[email protected]
Office: 718-489-5232
Room 7006


New York City History, Brooklyn Navy Yard, American Catholic Experience


BA, University of Wisconsin, Madison
MA, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison

Professor Sparr's scholarly work is focused on the twentieth century American Catholic experience and New York City history. His major contributions in these areas include: To Promote, Defend, and Redeem, The Catholic Literary Revival and the Cultural Transformation of American Catholicism, 1920-1960 (1990), a cultural history of American Catholicism before the Second Vatican Council, and "Looking for Rosie, Women Defense Workers in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, 1942-1946," New York History (July, 2000). He is co-winner of the Kerr History Prize (2001), awarded each year by the New York Historical society for the best article published in the association's quarterly, New York History.

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