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Office of Financial Aid

Navigating the Financial Aid Landscape

Getting Financial Aid

All applicants should apply for financial aid (except internationals). Even if you think you do not qualify, you may be eligible for some grants!

Scholarships, Grants & Loans

Last year, St. Francis College awarded more than $22 million in institutionally funded scholarships and grants to students. Learn more about the opportunities available!

Tuition and Fees

Review our tuition fees and associated costs... but be sure to also check out our net price calculator too as most students receive aid!

Net Price Calculator

Your “net price” is the difference between cost of attendance and the amount of grants, scholarships and other financial aid for which you may be eligible.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) ensures students are able to complete their academic program in a timely manner while achieving and maintaining compliance with minimum academic standards.

Professional Judgement and Dependency Override

The Higher Education Act of 1992 allows financial aid administrators to make PJ decisions when there are special or unusual family or student circumstances that may call for adjustments in determining a student’s eligibility for financial aid. Circumstances requiring PJ must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. These circumstances must be documented.

Cost of Attendance

St, Francis College calculates the cost of attendance to represent a student's maximum financial aid eligibility. The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an amount used to determine your maximum financial aid eligibility for an academic year.

Contact our Office of Financial Aid team to discuss your options

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