St. Francis College Is Committed To Your Safety
Campus Security Report
This report is prepared as required by the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) of 1998.
The report intends to inform students, faculty, administration and staff about St. Francis College's campus security policy and crimes and other specific disciplinary actions reported during the past three academic years.
- 2023 Annual Safety Report
- College Security Camera Policy
- Daily Crime Log: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 (PDF)
- Emergency Action Plans: 179 Livingston Street and 97 Columbia Heights
- Title IX, Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
St. Francis College's classrooms and administrative offices are at 179 Livingston Street in Brooklyn, New York.
As the law requires, you can access the last three years of security data reported by the U.S. Department of Education – Office of Post-Secondary Education. Click to see St. Francis College Data. Enter "St Francis College" (with no period after 'St') then select "Main Campus" on the following page.
Emergency Numbers
If you or someone you know is or may be the victim of any form of sexual misconduct, the College strongly urges you to seek immediate assistance. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from:
- Local Police (84th Precinct) and Emergency Assistance - Call 911
- Campus Security - 718.489.2100 or 718.489.2105
- Safe Horizon Rape and Sexual Assault Hotline - 866.689.HELP (4357)
- Safe Horizon Domestic Violence Hotline - 800.621.HOPE (4673)
- The College has a partnership with Beth Israel Hospital
- NYPD Sex Crimes Report Hotline - 212.267.7273
- Office of Special Events - 718.489.5271
- Title IX - 718.489.2019
Immediately report any unusual or suspicious activity to:
- 911 - (Immediate Emergencies)
- Campus Security - (718.489.2100 or 718.489.2105)
- NYC SAFE - (888-NYC-SAFE or [email protected])
Emergency Messaging
How Do We Contact You During an Emergency?
SFCALERT is the mass emergency notification system used at SFC. SFC requires all faculty, students, and employees to register with SFC Alerts, the College’s electronic emergency notification system. This system enables College officials to reach members of the College by rapidly transmitting short notifications by email to an outside email address, text message to a cell phone, or by voice message to an off-campus telephone or cell phone. If you have not registered, please do so today at SFC Alerts.
- Check
- Call (718) 522-2300 for a recorded message
- Faculty, staff, and administrators may also check their voicemail at (718) 489-5400.
- Voicemail-to-Email: Have your messages sent to your email. You will get notifications every time you receive a new message.
- Log onto the OneLogin Portal:
- Click on the Ring Central Application
- Click Settings on the top of the page
- Click on Notifications on the left-hand side of the page
- Open the dropdown tab titled “Messaging Notifications”
- Click the “By Email” box next to the “Voicemail Messages” line
- Click “Save” on the bottom of the screen to save changes
Building Hours
- Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 10 p.m.
- Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Sunday: Closed
Counseling Staff Names
Email: [email protected]
- Natasha Edwards, LMHC Dean of Students/ Dean of Health Promotion & Wellness
- Julia Passarelli, LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, High-Risk Mental Health Counselor: [email protected]
- Kimberly Shiller, LMSW, Clinical Supervisor: [email protected]
- Emma Wall, LMHC, Clinical Supervisor: [email protected]
Office of Accessibilities & Accommodations
Email: [email protected]
- Karime Rincon will serve as ADA & ROS (Removing Obstacles for Student Success) Coordinator: [email protected]
Advisory Committee on Campus Security
St. Francis College Advisory Committee on Campus Security
St. Francis College is committed to the safety and security of its community. New York State Law, 129A, Section 6431 requires the College to maintain an Advisory Committee dedicated to Campus Security. The committee will review current campus security policies and procedures and make recommendations for their improvement. More specifically, the committee will also review the current policies and procedures for:
- Educating the campus community about sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking offenses, and bias-related and hate crimes;
- Educating the campus community about personal safety and crime prevention;
- EReview the reporting of sexual assaults, domestic violence, stalking incidents, hate crimes, and how victims are assisted during investigations;
- Review how complaints are referred to the appropriate authorities, support for counseling of victims, and the College’s response to concerns.
- A report of the committee’s activities can be made available upon request.
- Committee membership:
- Ruben Gonzalez – Senior Associate Dean of Students and Director of Event Management
- Ed Evans – Campus Security Consultant
- Denise Vieni – Director of Operations, Facilities Management
- Camille Shipman – Assistant Dean for Residence Life & Student Conduct
- John Edwards – Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean
- Allen Burdowski – faculty, Vice President of Research & Compliance
- Rachel Falkenstern- Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies
- Sara Rzeszutek – Professor of History, Director of the Center for Advancement of Faculty Excellence
- Sabrina Tayeh- Student Government President
- Victoria Morillo- Student Government Vice-President
Student IDs
In the interest of maintaining the safety and security of the campus, the College requires that all members of the academic community have a properly validated identification card.
Students must carry the card at all times. Students must swipe the card upon entrance to the College.
New students will have their ID photos taken at Orientation. ID cards can be picked up at Terrier Tuesday (for fall semester start) and during the first week of school (for summer/fall and winter/spring semester start) from the Office of Student Activities (Room 6101).
Lost ID cards may be replaced at a cost of $10.00.
Contact the Office of Student Activities: [email protected]