Bro. Gregory Cellini, OSF
Franciscan Studies, St. Bonaventure University
B.S., Seton Hall University
M.B.A., Rutgers University
Brother Gregory Cellini, O.S.F., is a Franciscan Brother of Brooklyn whose life purpose is rooted in the Gospel and a Franciscan charism of continuous conversion, to share the good of God’s Love and inspire others to live fearlessly in this Love. His primary ministry is at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY, where he is Director of the Office of Mission, Ministry and Interfaith Dialogue, an Adjunct Professor and a member of the President’s Cabinet.
Brother Greg is the host of Thank God For Monday, a weekly radio talk show about the workplace. Before becoming a Brother, he had a 29-year career in big pharmaceuticals.
Brother Greg is the author of Transform Yourself – Transform the World: A Franciscan View of Career. This is the first book published on this subject matter.
Brother Greg is a graduate of St. Bonaventure University’s Advanced Certificate in Franciscan Studies Program. He has also earned degrees at Rutgers Graduate School of Management and Seton Hall University Stillman School of Business.