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Faculty | Associate Professor; Director of Forum on Migration

Halyna Lemekh

Contact Information

[email protected]
Office: 718.489.5476


MA, Ukraine
PhD, New School University

Halyna Lemekh, PhD earned an M.A. in philology in Ukraine in 1995 and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the New School University in 2007. Her research and writing focus on the social construction of identity of newly arrived immigrants in New York City, the impact of immigration on children and the relationships between different waves of immigrants. Her book Ukrainian Immigrants in New York: Collision of Two Worlds focuses on the politics of identity and the collision of diverse identities of newly arrived immigrants in their adaptation to American society. Dr. Lemekh is an Associate Professor of Sociology at St. Francis College and researches newly arrived Korean and Central American immigrants.

Select Publications:

Lemekh, H. 2022. “Changing the Landscape of an American Town: Immigrantrification of a Korean Ethnoburb and Its Cultural and Economic Consequences.” Journal of International Migration & Integration.

Lemekh, H. 2022. “Multifaceted Intergroup Relations in an American Town—Immigrant Intrusion, Symbiosis, and Invisibility.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 51(5),676-699.

Lemekh, H. 2020. “Integration and the Fluid Articulation of Ethnic Identities.” Michigan Sociological Review, Vol. 34, Fall.

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