St. Francis College
The faculty at St. Francis College has a wide range of expertise across various disciplines. In addition to their contributions to the classroom, many of our faculty members have research publications, as well as books, journal articles, poetry, and given presentations all over the world. This page recognizes the outstanding contributions our professors have made to the community and the world.
Emily Horowitz - Sociology & Criminal Justice
- Caught in the Web
- Protecting Our Kids
- Horowitz, Emily. (Forthcoming 2018). “Timeline of a Panic: A Brief History of Our Ongoing Sex Offense War.” Southwestern Law Review. 46(4).
- Phillips, N. & Horowitz, E. (2017, November/December). “Rape culture and sex offender policies.” Sexual Assault Report, 21(2), p. 17-28.
Uwe Gielen-International Cross Cultural Psychology
Dr. Gielen has co-authored or co-edited more than two dozen books, Learn about them on the Institute for International Cross-Cultural Psychology webpage.
Gregory Tague-Evolutionary Studies Monographs
- Puzzles of Faith
- Battle Ruins
- Common Boundary
- Being Human
- Evolution Human Culture
- Making Mind
- Battle Ruins
Dr. Tague has authored or edited a number of other books. Learn about them on his website.
Research and Publications
Joseph Amodeo
Joseph T. Amodeo, M.P.A., M.A.
Adjunct Professor, Political Science
Amodeo, J. (2010), Medical Refugees and the Future of Health Tourism. World Medical & Health Policy, 2: 65–81. doi: 10.2202/1948-4682.1103.
Greer, S. L., Jarman, H. and Amodeo, J. , 2010-05-24 "The Politics of Vigilance in International Economic Integration: Regulating Goods, Services, and People in the EU" Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Law and Society Association, Renaissance Chicago Hotel, Chicago, IL. 2013-12-28.
“Government Sanctioned Discrimination: HIV/AIDS, Criminalization and Discrimination.” AIDS 2010 (International AIDS Society), Vienna, Austria, July 2010.
Wendy Galgan
![]() | Wendy Galgan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of English Co-Director, Women's Studies Center Director, Women's Poetry Initiative |
Editor, Assisi: An Online Journal of Arts & Letters
“Dale Evans: Girlie-Girl With a Six-Gun,” in Westerns: Paperback Novels and Movies from Hollywood, edited by Paul Varner. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007.
In Western films of the 1940s we generally find two types of women: the good girl, pious and genteel, and the bad girl who is far from chaste. There was another model of femininity in the Western, however, and that was provided by Dale Evans. No longer was the cowgirl the backdrop for the heroic cowboy, at least not in the Roy Rogers/Dale Evans movies. In each of the films she made with Rogers, Evans introduced the feminine into a fully masculine world, and by doing so she managed to sublimate the Western’s masculinity and use it to both emphasize and showcase her femininity, a femininity that was never threatened even when she rode and roped and shot her six-guns.
“‘Why doesn’t make any difference. It’s time you moved on faith.’: Detection, Redemption and Saving Grace,” Christianity and the Detective Story, edited by Walter Raubicheck and Anya Morland. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013.
As a member of Oklahoma City’s major case squad, Detective Grace Hanadarko constantly moves through a world of violence, but she speaks eloquently for the dead and works tirelessly for justice. Having lost her Catholic faith as a child, and suffered personal tragedies (some of them self-inflicted), Hanadarko operates purely in the here-and-now in her own life, drinking too much, having an affair with her married partner, and driving too fast. After a terrible accident, God sends Grace a “last chance angel,” a good ol’ boy named Earl, who is there to help bring her back to God. The mysteries that lie at the heart of Saving Grace are twofold: first, each week Grace and her colleagues solve a crime, usually a murder. The story follows the clues as they are unveiled by the detectives and, generally, the mystery is solved at the end of the hour. The second set of mysteries, the metaphysical ones, are not solved so easily. Even after accepting (grudgingly, after much resistance) that Earl is an angel, Grace continues to question the existence of God; and, if he does exists, whether he is benevolent, indifferent, or cruel. This essay examines the ways in which the earthly mysteries, and how they are investigated by Grace, are connected to the metaphysical mysteries with which she and Earl are struggling. For Grace Hanadarko, detection and redemption are inextricably linked, and Earl’s mission, Saving Grace, is vital not only to Grace’s survival, but to that of those around her (possibly even mankind’s) as well.
“Burning Angels: March 25, 1911,” Villanelles, edited by Annie Finch and Marie-Elizabeth Mali, New York and London: Everyman’s Library, January 2012 (UK) and April 2012 (USA)
“You Are Trapped in That Bright Moment Where You Learned Your Doom” and “Nondum Cognita,” Currents VII, the journal of The Seacoast Writers Association, October 2011 (“You Are Trapped. . .” and “Nondum Cognita” won first and third prize, respectively, in The Seacoast Writers Association’s 19thAnnual Poetry Contest in 2009.)
“Creation” featured on the home page of On Earth as It Is during the week of September 5, 2011
“Cabinet de Travail,” California Quarterly, 34.4, Winter 2009 (“Cabinet de Travail” received honorable mention in the California State Poetry Society’s 22nd Annual Poetry Contest in 2008.)
“Sarah,” The AFCU Journal 3.1, Spring 2006
Emily Horowitz
![]() | Emily Horowitz Associate Professor, Sociology & Criminal Justice, Women's Studies Director, Institute for Peace and Justice |
Horowitz, E. “I was a child abuser!”: What we read when we read about child abuse. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. Forthcoming, in press. 2014.
Cherry, R. & Horowitz, E. “Career Pathways: A Strategy to Increase Black and Latino Four-Year Graduation Rates.”Teachers College Record, April 5, 2013.
de Becker, G. & Horowitz, E. “Loss of Innocence: Coerced Testimony & Confessions Harm Children, Families, & Communities for Decades After the Wrongful Convictions Occur.” A National Center for Reason and Justice White Paper, January 2013.
Horowitz, E. “Manufacturing Fear: Halloween Laws for Sex Offenders.” The Huffington Post: Featured Crime. October 21, 2013.
Horowitz, E. & Chatelle, R.“The Wrongful Conviction of Joseph Allen (and Nancy Smith).” The Wrongful Convictions Blog, published by the Center for the Global Study of Wrongful Convictions and the Rosenthal Institute for Justice, June 4, 2012.
Horowitz, E. “NY Landmark Ruling Allows Expert Witnesses on False Confessions at Trials; Defendant in Case, However, Does Net Meet the Criteria.” The Wrongful Convictions Blog, published by the Center for the Global Study of Wrongful Convictions and the Rosenthal Institute for Justice, April 3, 2012.
Horowitz, E. “Murder by Nursing.” Published in RH Reality Check, Reproductive Sexual Health and Justice. February 16, 2012.
Horowitz, E. “School Overcrowding in NYC: What Principals Say.” Chapter IV in NYC Schools Under Bloomberg and Klein: What Parents, Teachers, and Policymakers Need to Know (Introduction by Diane Ravitch). New York: Lulu Publishing, 2009.
Gray, B., Schlesinger, M., Siegfried, S. & Horowitz, E., “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume Hospitals.” Inquiry, Fall 2009.
Goodney Lea, S. Byrd, J. & Horowitz, E. “Diversity in the Student-Centered Classroom.” An Interactivity Foundation White Paper. Published by the Interactivity Foundation, Parkersburg, West Virginia. November 2009.
Horowitz, E. “The Hazards of Crowded Classrooms.” Letter to the editor, The New York Times, February 28, 2009.
Horowitz, E. “Rignano, America.” Il Foglio Quotidiano, XIII: 35, p. III (February 9, 2008). [English title: U.S. Sex Offender Policies.]
Horowitz, E. “Untrue Confessions: How People Tell Cops They’re Guilty Even When They Aren’t.” Counterpunch, Volume 15, No. 13, Page 1, July 1 – 31, 2008.
Horowitz, E., Editor. Teaching Race in the Social Sciences: Perspectives from North America. Published by the Centre for Sociology, Anthropology and Politics and the British Sociological Association’s “Race” and Ethnicity Study Group (2008).
Nathan, D. & Horowitz, E. “Watching the Detectives.” The New York Times, op-ed, June 24, 2007.
Horowitz, E. “Growing Media and Legislative Attention to Sex Offenders: More Safety or More Injustice?” The Journal of the Institute of Justice and International Studies 7 (2007).
Horowitz, E. “But Everyone Hates Everyone: Using Data to De-personalize the Teaching of Race in Sociology.” Teaching Race in H.E. Social Sciences: What Next?” Conference Proceedings. Edited by Max Farrar and Malcolm Todd, published by the Centre for Sociology, Anthropology, and Politics (UK), the Higher Education Academy, 2007.
Horowitz, E. “Teaching and Learning Race/Ethnicity in Higher Education: A Conference for Teachers and Students at St. Francis College.” International Psychology Bulletin, Volume 11, Number 5, Spring 2007.
Gielen U. & Horowitz, E. “Special Section: Violence Against Women”. International Psychology Bulletin, Volume 10, Number 4, Fall 2006.
Gielen, U. & Horowitz, E. “Domestic Violence Developments: A Recent Conference and New Texts”. International Psychology Bulletin, Volume 10, Number 4, Fall 2006.
O’Sullivan, C., Levin-Russell, K., King, L. & Horowitz, E. “Supervised and Unsupervised Parental Access in Domestic Violence Cases: Court Orders and Consequences”. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, April 2006.
Peter Morrone
Peter Morrone, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor, Department of English
“The Ethics of Moral Resistance: Ambrose Bierce and General William B. Hazen.” The Midwest Quarterly. 54.4 (Summer 2013): 399-413.
“Disciplinary Conditioning and Self-Surveillance in Ambrose Bierce’s War Fiction.” The Midwest Quarterly. 54.3 (Spring 2013): 310-325.
“Nicolas Le Challeux’s Discours: The Lost Colony of Fort Caroline.” Imagining Early Florida. Florida Humanities Council: Grant-based website ( (Winter 2012).
“James Street.” The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, (2007).
“Harvard Yard.” The Haz Mat Review. 8.2 (2006): 57.
“Still Life.” Featured in Learning to Fly. Baltimore: The International Library of Poetry, (2003).
“St. Peter’s Basilica, March ’98.” Expressions Journal: The Official Publication of the Individual Voice. 9.85 (2002): 12.
Kathleen Nolan
Kathleen A. Nolan, Ph.D. Chair, Department of Biology and Health Promotion |
Nolan, K.A. (2014) "Improving socio-economic stability and natural sustainability of coral reef ecosystems through mitigation, ecotourism and education", Int. J. Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.29–38.
Coral reefs and their associated ecosystems such as mangroves and seagrass beds are in crisis the world over. They provide billions of dollars of ecosystem services that include fish for human food, protection from hurricane damage, and livelihoods from ecotourists that enjoy snorkelling and/or scuba diving on the coral reefs and in the mangroves. There are measures that people can take that will ensure the survival of these precious ecosystems, which will enhance the quality of not just aquatic life, but of human life as well.
Carmine Nogara
![]() | Carmine Nogara, Ph.D., CPA Chairman, Department of Accounting and Business Law |
Effective Utilization of the Incident Command System in a High-Reliability Environment, Accepted June, 2014. International Journal of Business and Social Research.
Earnings Management Through the Use of Discretionary R&D Spending, May, 2014. Mustang Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2014. Volume 5, pp. 73 – 83.
An Analysis of Operating Factors on the Changes of Cash Flows, Published in Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, Brooklyn, NY. April, 2013.
Earnings Management Through the Use of Discretionary R&D Spending, Mustang International Conference, Las Vegas, NV. February, 2014.
Managing Earnings Using R&D Expenditures,Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, Brooklyn, NY. April, 2013.
An Empirical Analysis of the Conditions Which Lead R&D-Intensive Firms to Manage Corporate Earnings, American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, NV. February, 2008.
The Incident Command System: Underlying Factors that Lead to the Effective Management of an Emergency Incident, Eastern Academy of Management, Springfield, MA. May, 2005.
A Hierarchical Approach to Engaging Students, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. July - August, 2010. Mentor new professors in teaching AIS.
Accounting for R&D Costs: How this Discretionary Expenditure can lead to Earnings Manipulation, Pace University Research Colloquium, New York, NY. March, 2006.
Nickie Phillips
![]() | Nickie D. Phillips, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice Director, Center for Crime & Popular Culture |
![]() | Comic Book Crime: Co-authored with Staci Strobi |
Comic Book Crime is a cultural criminological analysis of themes of crime and justice in contemporary American comic books. Through their analysis of over 200 titles and immersion in the comic book fan subculture, the authors explore the ideological orientation of the books as they relate to issues of crime and justice. With a focus on comic books published after 9/11, Phillips and Strobl demonstrate how the rhetoric of retributive justice reverberates through the books and contextualize reader's acceptance and justification of vigilante justice. Their study examines how fans make meaning from the powerful ideological messages about what motivates crime. In their analysis, Phillips and Strobl show how race, gender, and sexual orientation are used to construct difference, and conclude that comic books should be taken seriously as important cultural artifacts that contribute to American ideological identity that often center around ideas of the apocalypse, utopia, retribution, and nationalism. (NYU Press, 2013)
Phillips, N. & Strobl, S. (forthcoming). When (Super)heroes Kill: Vigilantism and Deathworthiness in Justice League, Red Team, and the Christopher Dorner Killing Spree. In Thom Giddens (Ed.) Graphic Justice: Intersections of Comics and Law. Oxfordshire, UK: Taylor & Francis.
Strobl, S., Phillips, N., Reynolds, D., & Banutai, E. (under review). Film-making and Community Restorative Justice: Slovenian Police and Roma inShanghai Gypsy.
Frost, N. & Phillips, N. (2011). Talking heads: Crime reporting on cable news.Justice Quarterly, 28(1), 87-112.
Phillips, N. (2010). The Dark Knight: Constructing images of good vs. evil in an age of anxiety. In Mathieu Deflem (Ed.). Popular Culture, Crime, and Social Control. Emerald/JAI Press.
Phillips, N. & Frost, N. (2010). Crime in prime time. In R. Bing’s Race, Crime, and the Media. New York: McGraw Hill.
Phillips, N. (2009). The prosecution of hate crimes: Limitations of the hate crime typology. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24(5), 883-905.
Phillips, N. and S. Strobl (2008). Cultural criminology and Kryptonite: Constructions of crime and justice in best-selling American comic books. In G. Furst (Ed.), Contemporary readings in criminology. Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Publications. (Reprint).
Furst, G. & Phillips, N. (2008). Incorporating “race” in criminal justice doctoral level programs. In Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: Perspectives from North America. (E. Horowitz, Ed.). Center for the Study of Sociology, Anthropology, and Politics. The Higher Education Academy Network: University of Birmingham, UK.
Frost, N., Phillips, N. & Clear, T. (2007). Productivity of criminal justice scholars before and after tenure review. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 18(3), 428-443.
Phillips, N. & Strobl, S. (2006). Cultural criminology and kryptonite: Constructions of crime and justice in comic books in America. Crime, Media, Culture, 2(3), p. 304-331.
Volpe, M. & Phillips, N. (2006). L'uso della mediazione da parte delle forze di polizia. In L. Luison (a cura di), La mediazione come strumento di intervento sociale. Franco Angeli Editore, Milano. (English Translation: Use of Mediation by Police in Mediation as a Tool for Social Intervention).
Phillips, N. & Strobl, S. (Eds.). (2006). Dispute resolution: Managing conflicts in diverse contexts. New York: CUNY Dispute Resolution Consortium.
Jennifer Wingate
![]() | Jennifer Wingate, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Fine Arts |
![]() | Sculpting Doughboys: Memory, Gender and Taste in America’s World War I Memorials |
“In an absorbing study…art historian Jennifer Wingate examines the cultural, political, and economic forces that gave shape to these monuments. She highlights the opportunities that war commemoration offered to immigrant sculptors, outsiders to the artistic elite, and she reveals the hitherto unacknowledged contributions of women artists. Doughboy statues, we learn, memorialize much more than American service in the Great War: etched in their designs are national anxieties about race, masculinity, and political radicalism, as well as warring notions of who should define aesthetic standards for public commemoration.” –Steven Trout, author of On the Battlefield of Memory: The First World War and American Remembrance(Ashgate, 2013)
Click here for a review of this book
Monumental Visions: Women Sculptors and World War I
(Women and Things: Gendered Material Strategies, 1750-1950. Edited by Maureen Daly Goggin and Beth Fowkes Tobin)
The role of women in commissioning and raising money for memorials has long been acknowledged, but this essay looks at the contributions of womenmakers of WWI commemorative sculpture and the challenges they faced in the male dominated field of public sculpture, and in particular, military sculpture. (Ashgate, 2009, pg. 299-320)
"Real Art, War Art and the Politics of Peace Memorials in the United States after World War I" Public Art Dialogue vol. 2, no. 2 (September 2012): 162-189
"Memorials, Motherhood, and Anti-Militarism: Bashka Paeff’s Sacrifices of War" Woman’s Art Journal, vol. 29, no. 2 (Fall/Winter 2008): 31-40
"Over the Top: The Doughboy in World War I Memorials and Visual Culture"American Art vol. 19, no. 2 (Summer 2005): 26-47
To view the work of a particular professor at St. Francis College, scroll down to find their section...
Barbara Edington

Barbara H. Edington, PMP, MBA, DPS
Associate Professor, Department of Management and Information Technology
Director, Center of Excellence in Project Management

The Silver Lining of Project Uncertainties
Co-authored with Dr. Thomas Lechler and Ting Gao
This book provides readers with a critical foundation for how to differentiate the management of project risks and uncertainties, how to differentiate project success from project value and how to clearly identify the key elements of project risk, uncertainty and value opportunity. Based on case studies, this research is summarized for practical use by project managers, their teams and senior management. (2013)
Managing Creativity Efficiently in Filming: Consequences for Project Management
(Conference Presentation: 29th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, 2013, Montreal, Canada)
Co-authored with Dr. Thomas Lechler
The film industry is predicated to successfully overcome the “creativity-efficiency paradox” and provides a rich source of examples as to how these two conflicting challenges can be managed with the least restriction to the creative process and with the least impact to efficiency in terms of time and expense. In this study we explore the making of independent films and demonstrate that classic project management could adopt some of the general best practices. Several in depth interviews with filmmakers of independent films were conducted and the results clearly demonstrate that classic project management could benefit from incorporating some of the practices and experiences of film production in coping with the C-E paradox.
Lechler, T., Edington, B., Gao, T., "Exploring Contextual Conditions of Project Uncertainties and Project Value Opportunities", Journal of Project Management. Paper selected as one of the Top 10 papers from the 2012 PMI Research and Education Conference, Limerick Ireland, July, 2012.
Lechler, T., Edington, B., and Gao, T., "Challenging Classic Project Management: Turning Project Uncertainties into Business Opportunities", Project Management Journal, December, 2012.
Edington, B. and Ouellette, B., Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance, “Structural Capital and Project Processes: Areas for Future Focus”, Sophia-Antipolis, France, October 2011.
Edington, B., and Lechler, T., “Managing Projects with Agility Learning from Making Films”, Social Science Research Network, Fall 2013.
Robin Helburn

Robin Helburn
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics

Interfaces and Interphases in Analytical Chemistry
Edited by Robin Helburn and Mark Vitha
An interfacial layer and the chemistry that occurs there are at the heart of many analytical methods and techniques. From electrochemical sensing to chromatography to analyses based on surface spectroscopy, interfaces are where the critical chemistry in the method takes place. In this book, we look at ten diverse examples of interfaces and interphases, new and old, in which the authors design, build, characterize, or use an analytically relevant interfacial system. (2011)
Halyna Lemekh
Halyna Lemekh
Assistant Professor, Sociology
![]() | Ukrainian Immigrants in New York: Collision of Two Worlds (The New Americans: Recent Immigration and American Society) LFB Scholar |
Lipson, S.M., R. E. Gordon, L. Karthekeyan, M. Singh, A. Burdowski, M. Roy, G. Stotzky. 2010. Effect of Cranberry and Grape Juice Drinks on Enteric Virus Integrity, Infectivity in Cell Culture, and Pathology in the Animal Model. P. 177-195. In: M. Qian and A. Rimando (ed.), Flavor and Health Benefits of Small Fruits. Amer. Chem. Soc. Press, Chicago, IL.
Lipson, S.M., R.E. Gordon, F. S. Ozen, L. Karthekeyan, G. Stotzky. 2011. Effect of Cranberry and grape juices on tight junction function and structural integrity among rotavirus-infected money kidney epithelial cell culture monolayers. Food Environ. Virol. 3: 46-54.
Lipson, S.M. and M. S. Gair. 2011. The recording of student performance in the microbiology laboratory as a training, tutorial and motivational tool. J. Microbiol. Biol. Edu. 12: 48-50.
Lipson, S.M., R. S. Gordon, L. Karthikeyan, F. S. Ozen. 2012. Effect of pH on the antiviral activity of comestible juices and proanthocyanidins utilizing a cell-free assay system. Food and Environ. Virol. 4: 168-178.
Lipson, S.M., Ozen, F.S., Sullivan, G.L., Karthikeyan, L., Hyka, X., Bulut, O., Gordon, R.E. 2013. Flavonoid-associated direct loss of rotavirus antigen/antigen activity in cell-free Suspension. J. Med. Active Plants. 2: 10-24.
F.S. Ozen, R. S. Gordon, G. Sullivan, D. Trotman, L. Karthikeyan, S. M. Lipson. 2011. Direct Loss of Rotavirus Infectivity by Flavonoids in the Cell-Free Assay System. 9th Ann. Poster Session of Faculty and Student Research and Faculty Publications Exhibit. Faculty Research Recognition Day. November 17, 2011. New York City College of Technology, The City University of New York, Brooklyn, NY.
Bosse, R., G. L. Sullivan, X. Hyka, F.S. Ozen, R. S. Gordon, L. Karthikeyan, and S. M. Lipson. 2012. Oral Presentation. Effect of Flavonoids on the Loss of Rotavirus Infectivity Using a Quantitative Cell-Free Assay System. New England Science Symposium. Oral Presentation. April 1st, 2012. Sponsored by Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
Lipson, S. M. 2012. Flavonoids affect a direct loss of rotavirus infectivity in the cell-free experimental system. Speaker. Ann. Mtg., American Council for Medically Active Plants. May 22 - May 25, 2012. Arkansas Science Center, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR.
S. Louis, G. L. Sullivan, F. S. Ozen, L. Karthikeyan, J. Da Slva, R. E. Gordon, and S. M. Lipson. 2013. Anti-rotavirus activity of soluble flavonoids (glucosyl hesperidin and epigallocatechin gallate) by direct specimen testing and infectivity assay in host cell cultures. Abstr., Spring Ahead, Summer Back Symposium, St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, NY. May 2nd.
Sullivan, G.L., S. Louis, F.S. Ozen, L. Karthiokeyan, S. M. Lipson. 2013. Anti-rotavirus activity of soluble flavonoids (glucosyl hesperitin and epigallocatechin gallate) in cell-free suspension and cell culture. Abstr., 113th Gen. Mtg., American Society for Microbiology. Session 131, No. 1595.
Lipson, S.M. 2014. Current and future research on the antiviral activity of plant natural products: State-of-the-Art technologies used to study cellular integrin receptors as factors in antiviral activity. Spring Ahead Into Summer. May 1, 2014, Presented at the Morony Theatre at St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, NY.
Sintia Molina
Sintia E. Molina, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Fine Arts, and International Cultural Studies Coordinator, Study Abroad Program to Segovia, Spain |
![]() | Dominican Migration: Transnational Perspectives Co-authored with Ernesto Sagas |
The collection of articles in this book examines the migration of people from the Dominican Republic as a global, transnational phenomenon. Dominicans have been migrating massively over the last fifty years to the United States and other global destinations such as Spain, Italy and countries in Latin America. The questions: what has fueled the migration of Dominicans? And what is the nature of this massive movement of people? are answered by examining Dominican migration through the lens of transnationalism theory. This interdisciplinary work analyzes the Dominican diaspora as a multifaceted, global phenomenon, in which more often than not, Dominican transmigrants live, work, and participate in two or more societies. Dominican transmigrants create social networks which may extend over several regions of the United States, the Dominican Republic, and other foreign nations. The end result is people in a constant flux, where transnational practices and patterns are re-recreated out of the transmigratory experience. (University Press of Florida, 2004)
![]() | The Faces Behind Madame Alexander’s Dolls: A Dominican Labor Experience. Gratereaux, Molina and Rodriguez (Cayena Publications, 2010) |
Naturalism in Cuban Novels. University Press of America, 2001.
This book examines the term “naturalism” from a cultural, social, and political perspective. It shows that Cuban writers appropriated the European aesthetic to develop it into an ideology that dominated Cuban narrative for decades and how it evolved into a characteristically Cuban form of artistic expression. Drawing on modern studies about naturalism, it focuses on the unique characteristic of Cuban naturalism and its influence on early twentieth-century Cuban society.
![]() | Escritoras dominicanas a la deriva: marginación, dolor y resistencia |
Escritoras dominicanas a la deriva: Marginación, dolor y resistencia reúne artículos y entrevistas que abordan temas sobre la mujer y, en particular, la mujer dominicana. Desde diferentes acercamientos críticos y académicos, los ensayos analizan aquellas situaciones y condiciones escasamente planteadas por la crítica dominicana. La narrativa y la poesía son los géneros puestos a debate. El volumen estudia la obra de un grupo de escritoras dominicanas de diferentes generaciones, antecedentes y formación. Las diversas escrituras se caracterizan por la búsqueda, la valoración y la aceptación de la condición de mujer en una sociedad plagada por una ideología patriarcal, una moralidad demagógica y la alienación de las mujeres. Estas escritoras han sido marginadas e ignoradas por la sociedad a la que pertenecen y, en consecuencia, permanecen desconocidas para muchos en su propio país y en el exterior, excepto la figura de Julia Álvarez, de mayor proyección mediática.
Dominican Women Writers on the Edge: Alienation, Pain and Resistance is composed of articles and interviews dealing with a variety of issues that affect the life of women in general, but particularly, Dominican women. The essays, which represent varied scholarly and critical approches, analyze situations and conditions rarely discussed by Dominican critics. The literary genres treated are narrative and poetry. This anthology studies the writings of a group of Dominican women writers of different generations, social backgrounds and careers. The writings are characterized by the search, value and acceptance of being a woman in a society plagued with patriarchal ideology, demagogy morality and alienation of women. These women writers have been marginalized and ignored by their society and consequently remain unknown by may in their own country and abroad, except for Julia Alvarez.
Español, translenguaje o Spanglish: ¿Qué hablo yo? Usos y transusos del español (Spanish, Translanguage or Spanglish: What Do I Speak? Uses and Trans Uses of Spanish). In El Español, Integrador de Culturas. Eds. Jorge H. Valdivieso and Enrique Ruíz-Fornells. Editorial Orbis, 2012.
Voz y dialogo: Julia y Nela /Word and Dialogue: Julia and Nela. In Nela Rio, Escritura en foco: la Mirada profunda, (Nela Rio, Writing Centered: Deepen Gaze), edited by Gabriella Etchetverry. E-book by Qantatiebook, Ottawa, Canada, 2012.
El desafío de la escritura: la literatura menor o transgresora en los cuentos de Miriam González-Hernández / Defy Writings: Minor or Transgress Literature in the Short Stories by Miriam Gonzalez-Hernandez. In El poder de la creación: un acercamiento a la narrativa neo-realista de Miriam M. González-Hernández/ Power of Creation: An Approach to the Neo-RealisticNarrative by Miriam M. Gonzalez-Hernandez. Editor, María de los Angeles Talavera, Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas, 2010
Gregory Tague
![]() | Gregory F. Tague, Ph.D. Professor, Department of English Editor, ASEBL Journal |
Making Mind: Moral Sense and Consciousness in Philosophy, Science, and Literature. Rodopi/Brill (Amsterdam), forthcoming in their series on Consciousness and the Arts.
Origins of English Dramatic Modernism, 1870-1914. As Co-Editor (with Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe) and Contributor. Bethesda: Academica Press, 2010.
Origins of English Literary Modernism, 1870-1914. As Editor and Contributor. Bethesda, MD: Academica Press, 2009.
Ethos and Behavior: The English Novel from Jane Austen to Henry James (Including George Meredith, W.M. Thackeray, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy). Bethesda, MD: Academica Press, 2008.
Character and Consciousness: George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence (Phenomenological, Ecological, and Ethical Readings).Bethesda, MD: Academica Press, 2005.
Scholarly Essays:
“Beyond Mimesis: Symbolism and Visual Perception from the Nineteenth Century in Early Plays of D.H. Lawrence.” In Origins of English Dramatic Modernism, 1870-1914. Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe and Gregory F. Tague, eds. Bethesda: Academica Press, 2010. 237-274.
“Metaphysical Consciousness in the Work of D.H. Lawrence.” D.H. Lawrence Review. 32/33 (2003-2004, publ. 2008): 126-138.
“Crisis in the Ethics of Self: From Frankenstein to Dracula.” In Origins of English Literary Modernism, 1870-1914. Gregory F. Tague, ed. Bethesda: Academica Press, 2009.
“Ursula’s Stone and Connie’s Body: A Glimpse of Bakhtin’s Great Time in D.H. Lawrence.” Etudes Lawrenciennes 37 (2007): 125-142.
Introduction. Sea and Sardinia by D.H. Lawrence. (Barnes & Noble, April 2005). vii-xiv.
“Detachment and the Beyond as Concepts Integral to Identity.” Like a Black and White Kaleidoscope Tossed at Random: Essays on D.H. Lawrence’s “Women in Love.” Eds. Jean-Paul Pichardie and Philippe Romanski. Rouen: U Rouen P, 2001. 111-123.
“The Peculiar Morality of the Artist.” Consciousness, Literature and the Arts. 2.2 (July 2001): 22 pars.
“Levels of Participatory Experience in D.H. Lawrence’s Italy Books.” RE:AL, The Journal of Liberal Arts 25.2 (Fall 2000): 49-67.
“Self Recovery in D.H. Lawrence: Schopenhauer, Estrangement, and the Sublime.” Readerly/Writerly Texts: Essays on Literary, Composition, and Pedagogical Theory 8.1&2 (Spring/Summer & Fall/Winter 2000): 53-64.
“Orphaned Birth-Day.” Ozone Park Journal Spring 2010.
“Juror on Trial.” Subtle Tea June-September 2009.
“Noah’s Lost Elephants.” Willows Wept Review 3 (Spring 2009).
“Consistency of Milk.” Blue Print Review 20 (April 2009).[Nominated for a Pushcart Prize]
“Witness to a Measure of Pain.” The Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 50.1 (Autumn 2008): 74-86.
“Her Own Bones.” Blue Print Review 18 (October 2008). [Nominated for a Pushcart Prize]
“Cold Rooms.” Dark Sky Magazine (Originally published: 7.8, 22 June 2008); Re-published 22 July 2009.
“Hunger Tower.” Cell2Soul: Humane Health Care (5 April 2008).
“Body, Blood, and Adoption.” Cezanne’s Carrot 3.1 (December 2007).
“Care to Give.” The Healing Muse: A Journal of Literary and Visual Arts. 6.1 (Fall 2006):42-43.
“Character in Veneer.” The Arabesques Review 2.2 (Summer 2006): 49-51.
“From Responsibility to Answerability.” The Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 46.1 (Autumn 2004): 10-22.
“Wax to Burn.” Mars Hill Review: A literary journal, revealing Christ in unexpected places 21 (Winter 2003): 25-30.
“A Baltic Journey From Brooklyn.” Lituanus: Lithuanian Quarterly Journal of Arts and Sciences 48.2 (Summer 2002): 5-16.
“Natura Naturans (A Youthful Reflection on Mortality).” St. Francis CollegeReview 1.2 (Spring 2000): 15-21.
Reference Works:
Article on Modernism in Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History: A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia. Three volumes. Editors, Will Kaufman and Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2005. Vol.2: 609-613. Adapted by Professor James H. Overfield, University of Vermont, for the introduction, The Birth of Modernism in Europe, World History Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO).
Article on D.H. Lawrence in Dictionary of Literary Influences: The Twentieth Century, 1914-2000. Ed. John Powell. Greenwood Press, 2004. 308-310.