All branches of the military can receive credits for training. Military personnel (active duty, reserve, National Guard): Army, Navy, Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, Army Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Navy Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, Army, and Air National Guard.
Honorably discharged veterans or active duty service members who have completed 6 to 18 months of active service in either the US Armed Forces or those of another country may be granted five (5) credits of elective requirements toward a degrees; those who have completed more than 18 months of service be awarded 10 credits of electives. Additionally, ACE equivalency credits may be granted with the submission of an official military (JST, AARTS, SMART, CGI) transcript.
ACE Identifier | JST Course Title | Credits Granted | SFC Equivalency |
AR-0702-0030 | Structured Self Development (SSD) I | 3 | GEN ELE |
AR-0702-0030 | Structured Self Development (SSD) I: | 3 Credits Total |
AR-0702-0031 | Structured Self Development (SSD) II: Leadership | 1 | MKT ELE |
AR-0702-0032 | Structured Self Development (SSD) IV | 3 | GEN ELE |
AR-0703-0037 | Practical Nurse: Anatomy and Physiology | 5 | BIO ELE |
AR-0703-0039 | Practical Nurse: Advances Anatomy and Physiology | 3 | BIO ELE |
AR-1406-0090 | Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO): Communications Principles of Supervision | 3 Credits Total 1 2 |
AR-1406-0103 | Army Recruiter: | 9 Credits Total |
AR-1601-0124 | Combat Engineer: | 4 Credits Total | Content |
AR-2201-0399 | Basic Combat Training | 6 | 4 GEN ELE; 2 FIT ELE |
AR-2201-0399 | Basic Combat Training (includes the following): First Aid Marksmanship Military Science Physical Conditioning | 6 Credits Total |
AR-2201-0399 | Basic Combat Training (8 NOV 2011): First Aid Marksmanship Self Defense Physical Fitness | 5 Credits Total |
AR-2201-0399 | Basic Combat Training: | 5 Credits Total |
AR-2201-0455 | Airborne | 3 | FIT ELE |
AR-2201-0603 | Warrior Leader (AC): | 3 Credits Total |
ACE Identifier | JST Course Title | Credits Granted | SFC Equivalency |
MC-0602-0002 | Basic Grammar and Composition by Correspondence English | 1 Credit Total |
MC-0602-0002 | Seaman: | 7 Credits Total |
MC-1107-0001 | Mathematics for Marines, Correspondence | 3 | MAT-1101 |
MC-1401-0009 | Personal Financial Management by Correspondence | 3 | GEN ELE |
MC-1401-0009 | Personal Finance Management by Correspondence | 3 | FIN ELE |
MC-1406-0023 | Fundamentals of Marine Corps Leadership by Correspondence | 1 | BUS ELE |
MC-1406-0023 | Fundamentals of Marine Corps Leadership by Correspondence: Supervisory Management | 1 | MKT ELE |
MC-1406-0032 | Counseling for Marines, Correspondence | 2 | LA ELE |
MC-1406-0034 | Legal Services Specialist | 6 | GEN ELE |
MC-2204-0074 | Resident Staff Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Career Regular: | 3 | MKT-2201 |
MC-2204-0088 | Recruit Training Master | 2 | FIT ELE |
MC-2204-0088 | Recruit Training (Basic Training) | 8 | FIT ELE |
MC-2204-0088 | Recruiting Training Master: | 7 Credits Total |
MC-2204-0105 | Marine Combat Training | 3 | FIT ELE |
MC-2204-0105 | Marine Combat Training: Practicum in Basic Military Skills/Military Science | 3 Credits Total 3 | GEN ELE |
MC-2204-0127 | Sergeants Distance Education Program by Correspondence | 7 | GEN ELE |
MCE-0659-001 | Data Chief: Business Communications (Occupation Category) | 3 | WRI-2300 |
ACE Identifier | JST Course Title | Credits Granted | SFC Equivalency |
NV-1405-0012 | Ship’s Serviceman, Class A1: Introduction to Business | 2 Credits Total | 2 Credits Total |
NV-2202-0165 | Recruit Training: | 3 Credits Total |
Department of Defense
ACE Identifier | JST Course Title | Credits Granted | SFC Equivalency |
DD-0504-0020 | Basic Public Affairs Specialist – Writer: Defense Information School | 9 Credits Total | 3 COM-2000; 3 COM ELE; 3 LA ELE |