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International Migration Minor

The minor in International Migration Studies can be easily conjoined with any major offered at SFC, particularly Psychology, Criminal Justice, History, Global Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies and Sociology, among others. It will enhance students' job prospects in any cosmopolitan environment.

Minor Requirements

Required Courses:

  • SOC 1090 Sociology of Minority Groups
  • SOC 2020 Global Migration
  • SOC 2036 Immigration: Issues and Concerns

Choose Two:

  • FA 1430 Social Justice Art of the African Diaspora
  • SOC 2045 Immigrant New York
  • SOC 2090 Human Trafficking
  • LWP 2108 Latinx Literature
  • LWP 2109 The African Diaspora in Caribbean and U.S. Literature
  • HIS 3307 Race and Ethnicity in American Life
  • HIS 3501 The Atlantic World

The minor is offered by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice. For more information, please contact Prof. Lemekh: [email protected].


The current curriculum can be found in the Catalogue.

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