Cost of Attendance
Cost of Attendance and Your Aid Eligibility
St. Francis College calculates the cost of attendance to represent a student's maximum financial aid eligibility. The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an amount used to determine your maximum financial aid eligibility for an academic year. The COA consists of standard cost types such as:
Direct Cost
- Tuition
- Fees
Indirect Cost
- Housing and Food
- Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment
- Transportation
- Federal Student Loan Fees
- Federal Parent Loan Fees
- Personal Expenses
Cost of Attendance Category Definitions
Tuition and Fees
These are your charges which are based on enrollment status plus fees that will be billed to your student account.
Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment
Allowance for books, course materials, and equipment, which must include all such costs required of all students in the same course of study, including a reasonable allowance for the rental or upfront purchase of a personal computer, as determined by the institution. Books and supply costs vary by program and enrollment status.
Housing and Food
An allowance for food and housing costs, as determined by the institution, to be incurred by the student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis.
- A standard food allowance that provides the equivalent of three meals each day, regardless of whether a student chooses institutionally owned or operated food services (i.e., board or meal plans).
- Housing allowances for students residing in institutionally owned or operated housing with or without dependents must be based on the average or median amount assessed to such residents for housing charges, whichever is greater.
- Housing allowances for students living off campus must include rent or other housing costs.
- For dependent students living at home with parents, institutions must include a reasonable standard allowance for living expenses.
- For students living in housing on a military base or for which they receive a basic allowance under section 403(b) of title 37, United States Code, institutions must include a reasonable allowance for food on-campus or off-campus but cannot include housing costs.
- For all other students, institutions must include a reasonable allowance based on expenses incurred by such students.
- Study abroad expenses: An allowance for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, for a student in a study abroad program approved for credit by the home institution.
- Cooperative education costs: An allowance for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, associated with such employment for a student engaged in a work experience under a cooperative education program.
Personal Expenses
Personal expenses related to your education can include costs related to clothing, food, and utilities.
Transportation between campus residencies and place of work as determined by the institution
Federal Student and Parent Loan Fees
An allowance for the cost of any federal loan fees, origination fees, or insurance premium charged to the student or the parent of the student. May be actual or average costs, as appropriate and may not include the cost associated with non-federal loans.
Loan fees can be found at the link below
Disability-related expenses
An allowance, as determined by the institution, for expenses associated with a student’s disability, including special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided for by other agencies.
Professional licensure, certification, or a first professional credential
An allowance for the costs associated with obtaining a license, certification, or a first professional credential, for a student in a program that prepares them to enter a profession that requires such a qualification.
View the Cost of Attendance for 2024-2025.