To better serve our students, the Office of Financial Aid is proud to introduce Self-Service Financial Aid
Self-Service Financial Aid offers students a high level of freedom, flexibility and transparency. Check where you are in the financial aid process, learn about next steps required, and explore other important details.
About Financial Aid Self Service
Financial Aid Self Service is a secure interactive online financial aid tool which guides you step-by-step through the financial aid process.
Offering a dashboard-like view of your financial aid file, this easy-to-use online application allows you to:
- Check to see that we have received your FAFSA.
- View the status of your financial aid file.
- Review any documents that you need to submit to us.
- Accept or decline offered financial aid.
- Sign your award letter electronically to accept your entire financial aid package.
Accessing Financial Aid Self Service
To access Financial Aid Self-Service, you'll need your SFC Username and ID that the college has created for you. If you have any questions or issues with your SFC Username and ID you may contact the SFC IT help desk at 718-489-5444 or email [email protected].
Please follow the steps below to access your Financial Aid information online using Financial Aid Self Service.
- To log into Self-Service Financial Aid, please go to the student portal and click the Self-Service icon in the APPS section, and then click the Financial Aid box.
- Enter your SFC username and password.
- Review your personalized Financial Aid checklist for documents needed and action items.
- If there are documents needed, click on any documents needed to hyperlink directly to print the required form(s) for completion. We cannot issue a final award to you until we have received all the documents requested on your financial aid checklist.
Accepting your Financial Aid Awards
You will have to accept your award(s) in order for financial aid to disburse. The first step is to accept or decline all offered awards. To print a PDF copy of your award letter, the acceptance process must be completed first (paper signed award letters will not be accepted, all aid must be accepted through the portal).
To accept or decline your offered Stafford Student Loans and Parent Loans, complete the following steps in Self-Service Financial Aid:
- Check your SFC email for a notification that your award letter is ready to review.
- Please log into Self-Service and select the Financial Aid tab.
- Select "Review and Accept Your Financial Aid Award Package."
- Here you may accept the entire loan or decline the entire loan. Otherwise simply select "Accept" or "Decline" under each loan offered.
- If you are a first time Stafford student loan borrower at St. Francis College, you will need to complete Stafford Loan Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note at Self-Service will prompt you to complete these requirements, if needed, in the Loan Requirement Checklist section.
- If you are accepting the Federal Parent Plus loan at St. Francis College, you will need to complete the parent loan credit check the Master Promissory Note at
- Once you have accepted or declined all offered awards, you may proceed to accept your Award Letter.
- Once steps 1 through 6 are complete The Office of Financial Aid can then move ahead and process your awards.
Completing Your Financial Aid Checklist
To help keep you on track, our Self-Service Financial Aid has a checklist of steps necessary to complete the financial aid process, in sequence, for the following financial aid year. In addition, this checklist includes:
- your current total amount of federal student loan debt, according to the National Student Loan Data System
- Helpful links to key sites including, such as Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the myDirectLoan page, where Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note (MPN) can be accessed.
Log into the Self-Service portal today to explore its features. We know the financial aid process can seem intimidating, but we’re here to help you feel confident and empowered to make the right financial decisions for you and your family while at St. Francis College!
Need Some Extra Help?
If you have any questions about our new Self- Service Financial Aid – or about the financial aid process – please contact our office at 718.489.5255 or email us at [email protected].