Terrier Success Track E
Welcome to St. Francis College! You have been added to Terrier Success Track A. Your success track is determined based on your enrollment date and will guide your pathway to starting classes for the Fall semester.
As a new member of our community, there are key MUST DO items that have been outlined in your Terrier Success Track. It is critical that you follow these steps and meet the required deadlines to stay in your assigned Terrier Success Track.
As a reminder you can use your Navigate app to check off the items as you complete these items.
Completion of items 1-5 must be met in order to attend our required New Student Orientation Experience on Wednesday, August 30 and Thursday, August 31.
1. Activate Email Account
Make sure you have activated your SFC email account through Outlook- which means you have updated the password and set up your preferences. While Admissions will still send messages to your personal account all other important SFC messages will now be sent to your SFC email address. Activate email by logging in and completing the short survey emailed to your SFC email account.
Deadline to Complete: 24 hours after commitment
2. Download your Navigate Student App
After 24 hours of claiming your SFC email account has passed, you have access to download the Navigate Student App! The Navigate app is designed to help you along your journey as an SFC student. Features include Appointment Scheduling, Resources, To-Do Lists & Event Calendars, Class Schedules, Quick Surveys, Study Buddies, Majors Explorer and more! (available in the App Store or Google Play). Click here for instructions: https://www.sfc.edu/student-life/student-success/sfc-navigate-app. If you do not have a smart device, you can access Navigate student desktop version.
Deadline to Complete: 48 hours after commitment
3. Complete the Skills Assessment
To help us build your first-semester course schedule, take your Skills Assessment in writing and mathematics, located in Canvas, learning management system. Click the (OneLogin), dashboard to access Canvas and other SFC platforms. Course name for Skills Assessment is: SAC-1000-A1-23-FA_X
Deadline to Complete: Friday, August 25th
4. Complete your Course Info sheet
Provide updated information on your academic major and whether you will be transferring in any college credits (including College Now, AP, IB, etc.) so advisors can develop your academic plan and Fall 2023 course schedule. Course Info Sheet will be completed during your Skills Assessment.
Deadline to Complete: Friday, August 25th
5. Respond to New Student Orientation invitation
All students in Track A will attend our two-day New Student Orientation Session on Wednesday, June 28, and Thursday, June 29 where you will meet new and current students, faculty and staff and officially kick-off your new Terrier student role. A completed Skills Assessment is required to attend Orientation. An RSVP link will be emailed after the completion of the Skills Assessment.
Deadline to Complete: Monday, August 28th
6. Submit Transcripts
- Submit official high school/college transcripts to [email protected] All final transcripts must be sealed and must have the degree completed and date marked. Transcripts sent via email must be sent directly from your high school to [email protected]
- Submit any AP, IB, or College Now course transcripts or score reports to the college for evaluation to [email protected]
- All transcripts must be in prior to your advisement/registration meeting to ensure advisors have a full picture of the courses you are transferring in.
Deadline to Complete: Friday, September 1
7. Review your Financial Aid
Review your financial aid information by accessing Self-Service through OneLogin. If you want to meet with a financial aid or student accounts team member, set up an appointment using Navigate by clicking on Appointment and choosing Financial Aid and Student Account Services. If you have concerns, contact a Financial aid counselor for aid/loan questions or Student Accounts for tuition payment plan questions. Both teams are available using Navigate Appointment scheduling or email: [email protected] or [email protected]
If your aid shows an incomplete status this means you were selected for a process called verification after submitting your FAFSA. Verification can be completed via CampusLogic available by logging into OneLogin. Once you create an account for CampusLogic, all outstanding documentation will be listed to complete the verification process. Once verification is completed, you will receive an updated financial aid offer letter that will now allow you to accept and decline your financial aid on Self-Service portal.
Deadline to Complete: Friday, August 25th
8. Submit Immunization Records
Submit your immunization records (MMR and Meningitis) records to our online health portal linked here https://forms.sfc.edu/230444056091045. If you have any questions or have trouble submitting using the form please, email [email protected].
Deadline to Complete: Friday, September 1
9. Submit ID photo
Submit your photo for your SFC Terrier ID card. Save the photo with your First and Last Name and email it to [email protected] (Photo guidelines- plain background, good lighting, shoulders back & chin forward, no distracting clothing or crossed arms or other negative body languages)
10. Set up a Payment Plan and Tuition Payment
To help make paying your tuition and fees easier for you and your family we strongly recommend setting up a payment plan right away. To set up a plan go to TouchNet on OneLogin
Deadline to Complete: To get on a four month payment plans you must sign up by September 14th. Five month payment plans are available with the first payment due upfront.
11. Track your To Do’s in Navigate Student App
Using your Navigate Student app, keep track of your New Student Checklist items by clicking the box to the left of the item to check off your TO-DO. Checking off the to-do crosses it off the list and reminds you to have this item done AND lets us know you completed this new student task! This is a good way to keep yourself on track.
12. Attend your New Student Orientation
Prepare for a fun day of getting to know your SFC community and getting ready to start your Terrier Student Journey! New Student Orientation is a required two-day experience on Wednesday, August 30th and Thursday, August 31st
13. Complete your New Terrier Playbook
After attending New Student Orientation, new students must complete the online New Terrier Playbook. Once you finish viewing the sessions and submit your final survey you will receive a Certificate of Completion! While there, you can also check out all the online student success strategy workshops on a variety of student success topics!
Deadline to Complete: Wednesday, August 30th
14. Regularly check your SFC email
Log into your SFC email (Microsoft Outlook/Outlook365) and get into the habit of reading important messages from SFC daily so you do not miss a thing! Note: Canvas has a messaging system where you can connect with your professor, but this is not your SFC email. Canvas messaging is only for connecting with your professor or classmates.
15. Review Support Resources
- Check out student discounts on tech resources such as laptops. As a St. Francis College Terrier, you have access to discounts on technology. We strongly recommend against the usage of Chromebook computers as they are often incompatible with many college applications. To obtain the discounts, you will need to use your SFC email when purchasing any items to ensure you receive the student discount: Apple Apple for Education. CDWG To shop for several vendors including HP and Lenovo please click the following link, CDWG Technology Discounts. SFC also offers free download of the Microsoft Office program (visit mySFC Portal and click on Technology Resources and find Microsoft Office download instructions).
- If you need a loaner laptop or are interested in the special iPad package program, please complete the SFC Tech Program Form https://forms.office.com/r/0c65S151QJ
- To receive accommodations for a documented disability during the semester, apply to register with the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations (OAA) using the Online Application and upload your documentation. An OAA team member will contact you for an appointment!
- Review the Resources button on your Navigate Student app as we include updates on key college resources such as tutoring and success coaching from the Center for Learning & Leadership, Office of Opportunity programs, and more!
- The College has a Resource Pantry located in Room 5109B the Ministry Room plus baskets around campus, to support students with basic supply needs such as notebooks, pens, personal hygiene, shelf-stable foods, etc.
- If you are interested in on and/or off-campus job opportunities, use your SFC login to Join Handshake, our Career Services opportunity platform https://joinhandshake.com/
16. Purchase your textbooks
Once you have your course schedule, get your textbooks at the Online Bookstore https://sfc.textbookx.com/institutional/index.php (Note: Some courses have what we can an inclusive textbook which means the textbook has been bundled into your course fees so that you can use financial aid to pay for the text and the bundled price is less expensive than if you had bought the text alone- plus it comes with access to tons of digital to help support you in your course. You can see if you have an inclusive text by looking at your syllabus or by checking the online bookstore)
Deadline to Complete: Friday, September 1
17. Set up your student profile
- Submit your Emergency Alert notification preferences using SFC Alerts located in the mySFC Portal (when: right before the semester starts or during the first few days)
- Once registered for classes, sync your calendar in the Navigate Student app by clicking the Class Schedule button and clicking “add all courses to calendar” to view your schedule easily
- Update your personal contact information such as your cell phone and personal email using Self-Service (Self-Service via OneLogin) Click on the USER OPTIONS menu on the far-right side and then click on USER PROFILE to review your address, email, and phone numbers. Also update your pronouns on the Settings in your Navigate app.
Deadline to Complete: Friday, September 1
18. Check your Courses in CANVAS
A few days before the semester starts, look at your Canvas page and review all published course materials such as the Syllabus which provides you with information on course requirements and policies (note: some professors publish their courses during the first week so keep checking and email the professor if it is not there after the first day of class)! We ask that you get into the habit of checking Canvas daily to stay on top of course requirements and see announcements and messages from your professor. You can find Canvas in your OneLogin or mySFC Portal. You can also download the Canvas app for quick view (Note: The Canvas app does not have all the features Canvas on your laptop/PC has such as the capability to take exams.)
19. Get ready for classes to start
- Check for any updates such as classroom changes to your course schedule by reviewing Self-Service via OneLogin.
- Review all course syllabi on Canvas (OneLogin) and be sure to mark important assignments and exam deadlines in your calendar and planner.
- Read the academic calendar
(dates in the Navigate To-Do/Events button) or on https://www.sfc.edu/academics/academic-calendar so you know key dates such as the course add/drop week, payment and payment plan deadlines, course withdrawal deadlines, etc., and read the student handbook (The Cord- https://www.sfc.edu/student-life/registrar/academic-policies/the-cord ), and catalogue so you are aware of policies and programs.
- Remember to log into your SFC email daily
- Use the Navigate student app (or desktop version) if you need to schedule appointments with your advisor, a tutor, financial aid counselor, etc. by clicking Appointment>Schedule An Appointment and finding the office and service you are looking for! Confirmation of your appointment is sent to your SFC email.
- Get Social! Check out some key SFC Instagram pages- here are just a few key ones but there are more here!
Campus Engagement IG | @lifeatsfcny |
Center for Student Success IG | @sfcadvisement |
Center for Learning & Leadership IG | @sfc.humansofcll |
Counseling & Wellness IG | @sfc_counseling.wellness |
Center for Career Exploration IG | @sfc.careercenter |
Accessibility & Accommodations IG | @sfc.accessibility |
Student Government IG | @sfc.sga |
Multicultural Affairs IG | @sfcmulticulturalaffairs |
Mission, Ministry & Interfaith Dialogue IG | @sfc_mission |
Residence Life IG | @sfcresidence |
Athletics IG | @sfbkterriers |
St. Francis College Flagship IG | @sfcny |
Important Note Regarding Course Registration
If you are registered for the semester, you are responsible for the tuition and fees – the College does not automatically drop your classes if you do not attend. If for any reason you do not plan to continue your enrollment, it is your responsibility to fill out the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form (available in the Navigate app by clicking Resources and Important Forms) and email [email protected] and [email protected] to let them know of your plans.