Looking directly at my blank document before writing this reflection, I asked myself, “What could possibly be a common quality of celebrating Franciscan tradition and Hispanic heritage in the same month? How can I connect both?” There seem to be more differences than similarities between the two. However, I noticed that this same reason was the answer that I was looking for. I should thank God for helping me out with finding the response.
I recalled that Pope Francis once shared in his Angelus address on March 19, 2023, how “we should treat […] the differences of others as a chance to love, not an inconvenience” (Brockhaus, 2024). This is connected to the Franciscan tradition of Fraternita, which emphasizes the importance of relationships. And to Hispanic people, making and maintaining relationships with people is very important.
In short, Fraternita refers to how one is inherently related to one another, regardless of our differences, including nonhumans. It is about recognizing intrinsic familial ties with all people and creatures (Horan 2020). This means that to connect or create a relationship and maintain it, we need to be open to seeing our differences as an opportunity to form a union and appreciate these differences for their uniqueness and talents that can help the union.
For a relationship to work, it needs to be harmonious, implying there is no chance for conflict or differences because love is centered in every harmonious relationship. This allows the members of the relationship to be open to seeing their differences as a chance to better understand themselves and strengthen their union.
As a Hispanic, I can testify that it is important for the members of my community to create and maintain relationships with people. Therefore, we consider it very important to take advantage of any opportunity that may allow connecting with others, from offering help when one sees another person in need of a helping hand to supporting events or activities that are important to the members of the community, such as the events occurring at SFC during the Franciscan Month. I truly hope that as a united Terrier Family, we continue to show our support for Franciscan Month, as this is an opportunity to make new connections and strengthen the ones we already have. Additionally, this will be a chance to demonstrate our Franciscan tradition through our commitment to the community.
Paz y bien,
Airam Aguasvivas De Los Santos
PSI CHI and Duns Scotus Society, 2023 inductee
St. Francis College, Class of 2024

Brockhaus, H. (2024). Pope Francis: The differences of others are an occasion to love better. Catholic News Agency.
Horan, D. (2020, October 4). Relationship leads us to peace: Three key Franciscan themes in “Fratelli Tutti.” National Catholic Reporter. Retrieved July 14, 2024, from