I love you, O Lord, my strength
O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer.
My God, my rock of refuge,
My shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
- Psalm 18:2-3
Prayer is something that we often run to in times of trouble. I certainly have! The minute we hear or receive bad news - we pray!
Lent offers us a time to expand our prayerfulness. We are given 40 days of time - precious time - to be reflective and think about God’s hand in all we see and do. (Not just times of trouble and fear.) During Lent, our family reads a small booklet of daily gospel readings and reflections. We are awestruck that every single day, in some way, the readings speak directly to us! We have found this directed time has given us opportunities to celebrate prayer! To pray in joy, thanksgiving, companionship and happiness.
We truly know that the Lord is our rock, our refuge, our shield! During Lent, we have the time to deepen our relationship with our Heavenly Father in cheerful prayer! Prayers where we thank God, we praise Him, we just talk to Him. We talk in a way where we know that the Lord is our friend, our companion, our JOY!!
Including prayer in our lives in this way deepens our faith and brings us closer to each other and God.
Kathleen Conlon
Adjunct Lecturer of Education, St. Francis College
SFC Parent '21