Stop, Look and Listen
I love Lent!!!! I know this may sound strange and rather odd but I really do Love Lent.
You may ask why? Simply put it is a time to Stop, Look and Listen to the wonders of the Season.
Lent affords us time to STOP. Take a pause and really evaluate where we are in our spiritual journey. It gives us the time to reflect on the season and use these forty days to prepare ourselves for the beauty of the Resurrection.
Lent affords us the time to LOOK. We now have forty days to look back on our lives and measure ourselves in our spiritual journey. We can ask many questions about our spiritual life and see how we can make additional time for prayer and sacrifice.
Lent affords us the time to LISTEN. Again, we now have the time to Listen to the readings of the Lenten Season, or perhaps attend a parish mission and gather the thoughts from the presenter, attend a weekday mass or simply listen to the SILENCE of this holy season. I do believe in those moments of SILENCE you will hear the voice of the Lord speaking just to you.
Finally, Lent always allows me to think of my childhood and the many ways my family celebrated this season with special devotions. So…. Please use this Lent to STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN… I am sure it will change you forever.
Brother David Anthony Migliorino, OSF
Principal, Saint Anthony's High School