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All Good Things
March 12, 2024

That's Jesus, Our Friend

"That's Jesus My Friend" (Poem by Emily Derry)

Would you have a trusted friend

Who'll stand by you to the end?

Who will be there constantly

Never mind where you may be?

That's Jesus, my friend.

Would you have someone or other,

One much closer than a brother,

A sister or a mother,

One who never minds the bother?

That's Jesus, my friend.

Do you know you're lost in sin?

Would you like to start again?

There's one friend and one alone,

He, who loves and can atone.

That's Jesus, my friend.

Would you like to be forgiven,

Yes, ' til seventy times seven?

Would you have someone so true

Who would die to ransom you?

That's Jesus, my friend.

Would you have the joy that comes

To God's daughters and his son's

And the hope that in him lies,

Who would make the sacrifice?

That's Jesus, my friend.

Do you seek your All-in-All

Who can lift you when you fall

And will hear you as you call,

One who changed the Spoiler, Saul?

That's Jesus, my friend.


In times of sadness, loneliness, or despair, it can be easy to believe that we are entirely on our own. We may carry the world's weight on our shoulders as though no one truly understands and cares. However, there is a bright light amidst the darkness - Jesus, our friend. No matter what, He is always there for us.

Jesus is a trustworthy friend who stands by our side through life's ups and downs, is never bothered by our struggles and sins, and constantly extends forgiveness and unconditional love. Moreover, He is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for us, pick us up when we fall, and guide us in the right direction. Jesus, a constant presence and source of comfort and strength, reminds us that we are never alone in our struggles.

Just as the poet reflects, Jesus is truly our All-in-All, rock and refuge, and anchor in the stormy seas of life. Let us turn to Him without hesitation, and He will always be there. That's Jesus, our friend.

Mia Gabrielle A. Garcia, SFC '26
B.A. in Communication Arts, Concentration: Digital Media
Minor in Political Science

Jesus Hug

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