Welcome to All Good Things and Franciscan Month!
Welcome to All Good Things! And welcome to Franciscan Month!
Growing up in Clifton, New Jersey, we had a lovely statue of St. Francis near a birdbath in the garden. As a result, I always thought of Francis as ‘The Birdbath Saint.’ When becoming a Franciscan Brother of Brooklyn in my late 40s, I discovered there is much more to St. Francis than protecting gardens. His amazing story of conversion of heart – constantly turning away from sin toward God – is incredibly inspiring. His virtues outlined in the Peace Prayer – love, faith, hope, giving – are desperately needed to transform the inclination to hate and divide so prevalent in our polarized world into Franciscan Peace and Love.
This need to share the entire essence of St. Francis motivated the launch of October as Franciscan Month. The mission of Franciscan Month is to celebrate the more than 800-year-old Franciscan Movement, educate about the Movement, and form others in the Franciscan way of life. All Good Things is integral to Franciscan Month 2024, especially with Peace being selected as the Month’s theme.
The goals of Franciscan Month include enhancing the visibility of the Franciscan Movement's contribution to the world since its inception and increasing knowledge of the stories of St. Francis, St. Clare, and many other Franciscan role models. The most important goal, however, is to demonstrate how the Franciscan way of life applies to the 21st century, with the outcome of a greater number of people living a Franciscan way.
In addition to All Good Things, several events have been scheduled for the Month. These include a kickoff Peace Run, a Rosary Procession, and a Cellphone Freedom Hour. All events are listed on our Franciscan Month webpage, which can be accessed via the below QR code or at: https://www.sfc.edu/events/series/franciscan-month
Franciscan Month has something for everyone. We hope you are nourished by the All Good Things daily reflections and share the Good with a multitude of others!
Br. Gregory Cellini
St. Francis College