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Career Exploration

Seven Secrets to Building your Personal Brand

November 16, 2023
12 P.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Room 5206

Learn from Kevin Goodman, Global Director of Go To Market for LinkedIn on the secrets to unlocking an effective, meaningful personal brand.

Join the pre-event from noon to 1 p.m. to receive advice on interviewing and networking from talent leaders, and get a headshot taken by a professional photographer! Plus, there's an opportunity for a limited number of students to receive a makeover from Clinique representatives.

All students who attend have the chance to be entered into a raffle to win gift cards toward purchasing professional attire at Macy's! You must be present at the drawing to win!

Refreshments will be available. Space is limited and registration is required to attend. SFC students, click "Register Now" to RSVP. Those interested in attending who are not students can email [email protected].

Primary Contact
Center for Career Exploration [email protected]

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