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Career Exploration

Resume Building with BEAM

April 1, 2024
1 P.M. - 3 P.M.
St. Francis College
Room 6120

Meet with a representative from The Art of Problem Solving Initiative | Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM) and learn how to best build your resume as you apply to summer opportunities.

• Learn how to build a strong resume.

• Learn tips for securing a summer opportunity/making the most of your summer.

• Learn about opportunities at BEAM, open for domestic and international students.

The Art of Problem Solving Initiative develops opportunities for middle and high school students to explore mathematical problem solving. Our flagship program is Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM) for underserved students with talent in mathematics currently works with students from New York City and Los Angeles. BEAM begins with a free summer program where we prepare students academically, socially, and emotionally for advanced mathematical work.

Primary Contact
Center for Career Exploration [email protected]

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