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Building the Justice Peer 2.0: Moving Lived Experiences to Lived Expertise

June 12, 2024
8 A.M. - 5 P.M.
St. Francis College

A full-day conference about moving lived experiences to lived expertise! This conference will be jam-packed full of collective policy-making, building capacity, learning, healing, professional development, and advocacy—for us by us!

Workshops will focus on building the justice peer movement and strengthening the crimino-legal system peer workforce community. We will promote our voices as the "subject-matter experts" in the room. We will solidify the seats at the table that belong to us!

Come hear our event sponsor, Helen 'Skip' Skipper, the Executive Director of the NYC Justice Peer Initiative, talk about being "Unapologetically Peer". Come participate in our general session featuring the screening of the media-acclaimed Preschool to Prison documentary and a panel with the illustrious Karen "Dr.K" Baptiste! Come acknowledge and support the heroes in this field as we bestow our inaugural "Guardian of Justice" awards! Come learn how we can, as a community, craft policy & advocacy; come hear how we can build our own table; create seats for our change agents; and become hope dealers! Come hear how we can use our lived experiences to push further, faster, and better as we progress forward to lived expertise!

Primary Contact
Helen 'Skip' Skipper [email protected]

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