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Making Power Moves with Rashida Jones, President of MSNBC

April 12, 2022
9:35 A.M. - 11 A.M.
Maroney Theater

Rashida Jones, President of MSNBC, will discuss careers in broadcast journalism and network television with Monique Pryor, Esq., Chief Engagement and External Affairs Officer. The conversation provides an opportunity for students studying communications and business to learn from someone who has made it to the top of their field in network news.

Jones will share how she has navigated her career, the choices that she has made to achieve success and her best practices for those interested in careers in business, specifically network news.

Rashida Jones is President of MSNBC, the premier destination for breaking news, award-winning journalism, in-depth analysis and informed perspectives. She is responsible for oversight of all programming, editorial units, business development and technical operations.

Primary Contact
Ali Scott [email protected]

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