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Minding the Gap in Fear City: A Conversation with Journalist Harry Seigel About Crime, Politics and Fear in NYC

December 8, 2022
4 P.M. - 5 P.M.
St. Francis College
Room 6104

Harry Siegel is a senior editor at the high-impact nonprofit newsroom The City, the executive producer and co-host of its award-winning and news-making FAQ NYC podcast, and a columnist at the New York Daily News (as well as a former member of its editorial board). Siegel previously served as a senior editor at Politico, Newsweek and The Daily Beast and as a Knight-Wallace fellow at the University of Michigan, and as a visiting scholar at Cambridge, NYU and Fairfield University.

Before coming to The City earlier this year, Siegel was the longtime opinion editor for The Daily Beast, editing many of the top names in American politics and journalism while frequently appearing as a commentator on cable and broadcast news and breaking some big stories himself, including Jeffrey’s Epstein’s arrest and Preet Bharara’s refusal to resign as U.S. Attorney. With his father and former St. Francis Scholar-in-Resident Fred Siegel, Harry Siegel co-wrote what remains the defining biography of “America’s mayor” and New York under his leadership, The Prince of the City: Giuliani, New York, and the Genius of American Life.

The event is sponsored by the St. Francis College Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice and the Center for Crime & Popular Culture. The event is free and open to the public. A reception will follow the talk.

Primary Contact
Dr. Emily Horowitz [email protected]

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