We Are the World Closing Art Reception
Celebrate the internationalism of St. Francis College through the visual arts at the closing reception for the We Are The World art exhibition, which has been covered in Art Fix and Art in Brooklyn.
We Are The World is an initiative of St. Francis College President, Miguel Martinez Saenz, in conjunction with SFC donor and art collector, Lise Curry. The exhibit was co-curated by Lise Curry and Francine Rogers. Exhibition events have built connections between SFC students and the New York art world by bringing artists like Lola Flash and Tooraj Khamenehzadeh to speak with members of the SFC community.
Artist Ingrid Butterer, whose work is featured in the exhibition, will speak at the closing reception.
Participating artists include Ray Bartkus, Ingrid Butterer, Rosa Chang, Beatrice Coron, Bruna D’Alessandro, Ryoko Endo, Tadasuke Jinno, Serge Jolimeau, Jenny Keith, Timothy LaSalle, Haksul Lee, Shantel Rose Miller, Stephanie Mulvihill, Peter Pacheco, Joyce Pommer, Giorgia Rojas Monaco, Jephri Sivad, Daniel Sperber, Natsuki Takauji, Mark Tanabe, Kati Vilim, Yeon Ji Yoo, Jason Yung. AnnaMaria Leal, Mary Lakhan and Martha Lakhan, three students from St. Francis College, created a series of photographic portraits celebrating the internationalism of the St. Francis College student body.
The exhibit is open to the public from November 4, 2021, to February 25, 2022.
Visitors from the community must complete SFC's Visitor Form prior to arriving on campus and present it to security upon arrival. Visit Back to Brooklyn page to learn more.