20th Anniversary Celebration - Institute for International & Cross-Cultural Psychology
St. Francis College hosted a double celebration March 9 & 10, 2018; the 20th anniversary of the Institute for International and Cross-Cultural Psychology (IICCP) and the 30th anniversary of Meaningful World.
The two day event features lectures and panel discussion on topics as varied as how climate change is leading to a psychological emergency; post-traumatic growth in Haiti, India, and Cambodia; and a dissection of the Italian diaspora.
This discussion, moderated by St. Francis College Faculty Director of General Education Michele Hirsch, features Asian Perspectives with:
- Sonia Suchday (Globalization, Spirituality, and the Youth in India)
- Rash Jaipal (Psychological Costs of Development for Youth in Sikkim, India)
- Jaskiran Mathur (Revisiting Trauma Through Popular Culture)
- Ghazals Afzal (Afghan Women: Trails, Travails, and Creative Expression)
The conference also hosted Rami Seo's Project World Music Ensemble which celebrated Korean Culture with a Fan Dance, Sons, and Drum Dance.

The Institute for International and Cross-Cultural Psychology (IICCP) sponsors research and publications in international and cross-cultural psychology; promotes, develops, and implements workshops, symposia, lectures, and conferences at St. Francis College; involves students in cross-cultural research and the institute's programs; fosters a sense of involvement in the cultural richness of the St. Francis College community; and creates network ties with other interested psychological institutions in the USA and abroad.
The Association for Trauma Outreach & Prevention (ATOP) Meaningful World is dedicated to fostering a meaningful, peaceful, and just world in which every individual enjoys physical, mental, social, financial, ecological, and spiritual health.