A Day of Franciscan Charism
St. Francis College welcomed Fr. Rick Martignetti, OFM and Fr. Michael Della Penna, OFM for a day of Franciscan Charism on March 16, 2016 to learn more about the idea of Franciscan Fraternitas and how St. Francis and St. Clare might serve as role models, while students, faculty, and staff journey and grow in their own lives and religious traditions.
Fr. Rick works as a campus minister at Boston University and has written two books about prayer and the spiritual life according to St. Bonaventure.
Fr. Mike is the Director of Valley of the Angels Orphanage in Guatemala and has recently published a book on St. Francis of Assisi.
Both Fr. Rick and Fr. Mike hold Ph.D.s in Franciscan Spirituality, and are incredibly dynamic and engaging speakers, as well all around terrific guys!
In addition to their "day" jobs and scholarship, both serve as leaders in the Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs, an organization with which a number of you are very familiar.