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February 10, 2015

A Firsthand Look at the Brooklyn Congress of Racial Equality

Lawrence Cumberbatch, a Brooklyn resident who was a member of the Brooklyn Congress of Racial Equality, came to St. Francis College on February 10, 2015 to offer a firsthand account of CORE.

Watch his presentation

The Brooklyn chapter of CORE was known for its theatrical, uncompromising protests against housing discrimination, poor neighborhood conditions, employment discrimination, and discrimination in education. Brooklyn CORE members walked to Washington, D.C. in 1963 to attend the March on Washington. Lawrence Cumberbatch was part of the group that made the more-than-200 mile trek. He is an attorney who earned his J.D. from NYU Law School, and he served as president of the Black Law Students Association.

Professor Emily Horowitz and Sara Haviland organized the lecture as part of their series for students and senior citizens on Interpreting the 60's.

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