Author Jon Sweeney to Deliver St. Francis College's Annual Franciscan Lecture
Who: Acclaimed author and speaker Jon Sweeney
What: St. Francis College Annual Franciscan Lecture
Where: St. Francis College – Founders Hall, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201
When: October 7th, 12:30-1:45 pm.
FREE & Open to the Public

Noted author and speaker Jon Sweeney will deliver St. Francis College's Annual Franciscan Lecture on Monday, October 7th, the culmination of St. Clare & St. Francis Week, a series of events over ten days that celebrate the lives of Francis of Assisi and his first female follower, Clare of Assisi, who inspired a worldwide movement dedicated to living and proclaiming the gospel through good works and love of all of humanity and creation.
Sweeney's address will draw from his latest book St. Francis of Assisi: His Life, Teachings, and Practice. A widely-read author of works geared toward young adults, Sweeney has gained critical acclaim and a loyal following for books that focus on spirituality, history and biography, particularly related to Catholic themes and the life and teachings of St. Francis, one of the most venerated figures in the Catholic faith.
"Jon brings to life the lessons that St. Francis and St. Clare began delivering some 800 years ago," said Alexandria Egler, Ph.D., Executive Director
of SFC's Mission, Ministry & Interfaith Dialogue. "His rich expertise on the topic is unparalleled, and there is no one better to crystalize the teachings of humility, kindness and love that those two important figures bring to Catholics and people of all faiths. We know our students and guests will be educated, entertained and, ultimately, inspired."
The theme for this year's St. Clare & St. Francis Week is The Dignity of the Human Person, and Sweeney's lecture and other events will pay special attention to addressing the intrinsic value and equality of all people, and the respect every human should be afforded.
"St. Clare and St. Francis began their communities with a vision of total equality and inclusivity and a mission of breaking down any barriers which prevented them from sharing the love they had found in God," said Dr. Egler. "I think it's important for us to consider how a spirit of hospitality and welcoming can serve us in our daily lives and interactions with one another."
A full schedule of St. Francis College's St. Clare & St. Francis Week events is below. All events take place at locations at the St. Francis College campus (180 Remsen St., Brooklyn Heights).
Except as noted, all are free and open to the public.
For more information, visit
St. Clare & St. Francis Week Events 2019
Thursday, September 26th
Student Kick-Off Party
11:20AM - 1:00PM
The Annual Student Kick-Off Party is an opportunity for students share the Franciscan spirit. Students will learn more about St. Francis and St. Clare while enjoying some food and activities related to the Franciscan value for the 2019-2020 academic year, The Dignity of the Human Person.
SFC students only.
Monday, September 30th
Faculty-Student Teach-in
12:30PM – 1:45PM
Founders Hall
Join us in Founders Hall for a discussion on the dignity of the human person as seen through the lens of different academic disciplines, including biology, history, and communication arts.
Tuesday, October 1st
Guided Meditation – "Intentions: What are Yours?"
11:20AM - 12:30PM
St. Clare Lounge
Dr. Barbara Edington, SFC Professor of Information Technology, will lead meditation in the St. Clare Lounge. Learn some important techniques for relaxation, minimizing stress and opening the spirit.
Wednesday, October 2nd
Lady Jacoba Cookie Hour
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Callahan Center
As St. Francis lay dying he asked that his dear friend Lady (Brother) Jacoba bring his favorite treats, her almond cookies. At St. Francis College we continue this tradition of friendship and hospitality, inviting all to join us as we remember the importance of friendship.
Thursday, October 3rd
Interfaith Prayer Service
11:20AM - Noon
Brothers Chapel
St. Francis College is a community made up of different religious traditions, separate and distinct but unified in recognition that we are sisters and brothers in this world. In the spirit of St. Francis, we come together as community to worship and give thanks for the many blessings that we share as people of faith.
Friday, October 4th
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi Mass and Blessing of Pilgrims
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Brothers Chapel
Join us as we celebrate Mass in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. During Mass we will extend a special blessing for the members of our faculty, administrators and student body who will be making a pilgrimage to Assisi this year.
Monday, October 7th
Annual Franciscan Lecture, Jon Sweeney
12:30PM - 1:45PM
Founders Hall
Noted author and speaker Jon Sweeney will deliver the College's Annual Franciscan Lecture. Mr. Sweeney will share with our SFC community, his new book, St. Francis of Assisi: His Life, Teachings, and Practice.
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