Celebrating Diversity
We are sharing today that we will be doing our part to cultivate the sympathetic awareness of our history and of the continuously changing global and local landscape to emphasize that St. Francis College is devoted to fostering a campus climate that encourages the deepest respect for all human beings and that aspires to create a community where everyone feels like they belong.
Our country has maintained unequivocally a belief that it is possible to have "one" emerge from the many-- E Pluribus Unum. That requires us, I believe, to celebrate the accomplishments of all those who live on our shores and who continue to enhance our society as we enact a living environment that tells the world that is possible to live together in peace even across difference. Jesus lived among us to show us that it is our duty to love our neighbors including our enemies. Our Franciscan founders also made plain that we should be living symbols of hope by living lives of hospitality, compassion, mercy and love.
To that end, we are committed to celebrating "diversity" throughout the year by remembering the accomplishments of all peoples that have and continue to make this country great. By taking a leadership role in providing students, faculty, administrators, staff, alumni and friends of the College the opportunity to celebrate difference among people, we will work to orient each other to the beauty in the world.
Below is the 2021 Spring Semester Diversity Calendar, an example of some of the upcoming dates we plan to recognize. You can expect communications asking each of us to reflect on the grand mosaic that is the United States, as well as demonstrate our commitment to promoting a culture of unity, peace and goodness.
2021 Spring Semester Celebrating Diversity Calendar
January – MLK Day – Third Monday
- Black History Month
- Start of Lent – Ash Wednesday – February 17
- Women's History Month
- St. Patrick's Day – March 17
- First Day of Passover – March 28
- Cesar Chavez Day (Mexican American Farmers) - March 31
- Easter – April 4
- Yom HaShoah - April 8 and 9
- Arab American Heritage Month
- Gathering of Nations – April 23 and 24
- Ramadan – April 13 to May 13
- Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month
- Jewish American Heritage Month
- Haitian American Month
- World Day for Cultural Diversity
We will update you as we add to the calendar above. We will be sending the 2021 Summer/Fall Diversity Calendar in March.
Reminding ourselves of the ways our multiplicity adds beauty to the world is important. Focusing our attention on what is good about each other and the world is also vitally important. This isn't to suggest that we need to agree with everyone or everything. It is to say, however, that respectful engagement with others, even with those with whom we disagree, is one of the hallmarks of a democratic society and of a beloved community.
We are hopeful that you will celebrate with us as we do our part to make our community, our country and the world a place where all of God's children can live dignified lives.
In peace and friendship,
Miguel Martinez-Saenz
St. Francis College condemns bigotry, discrimination, and harassment in all forms. Aspiring to be a community where every person feels like they belong, we are called to denounce any conduct that targets individuals due to the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, ethnicity, political beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, ability/disability, or national origin.