Chase Madar on the Wikileaks Whistleblower
St. Francis College welcomed Chase Madar on September 20 to talk about Chelsea Manning: The WikiLeaks Whistleblower as part of the Fall 2016 Senior Citizen Lecture Series: Inequality and Monorities in American Culture organized by Sociology and Criminal Justice Professors Emily Horowitz and Nickie Phillips.
(Watch Chase Madar on Chelsea Manning)
Chase Madar is a civil rights attorney in New York, the author of The Passion of Bradley Manning: The Story behind

the Wikileaks Whistleblower (Verso), and a writer for The Nation and Vice. Madar will explore the meaning and impact of Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, a transgender woman, (born Bradley Edward Manning, December 17, 1987), the United States Army soldier who was convicted in July 2013 of violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses, after disclosing to WikiLeaks nearly three-quarters of a million classified or unclassified but sensitive military and diplomatic documents.
The talk was sponsored by American Studies, History, Crime & Popular Culture, Peace & Justice, Provost's Office, Sociology & Criminal Justice, and the Women's Center