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In the Spotlight
May 25, 2021

Condemning Anti-Semitism and Violence Against Jewish People

Dear St. Francis College community,

As has been the case far too often in recent months, acts of violence rooted in hatred and bigotry are in the headlines, reminding us yet again how far our country needs to go to ensure the arch of the universe does, in fact, bend toward justice.

In recent weeks we have continued to witness anti-Semitic violence in NYC. I want to make plain that our community is calling for an end to harassment and violence in all its forms.

I urge you all to take time to reflect upon the Franciscan values of inclusivity, mercy, compassion and kindness that guide this institution and contemplate on the ways we can draw upon those values in the pursuit of justice that these times require. As always, I stand with all of you as we denounce this violence and as we strive to live lives that promote peace, justice and true equality for everyone.

The world today continues to suffer from injustice, war and intolerance. Indifference, hatred and violence are contagious; so are love, mercy and compassion. Join me in praying and meditating for peace. As a reminder, all members of the St. Francis College community take seriously the command to "love our neighbor," and it is not something that we only espouse, it is something we are prepared to enact.

To that end, we aspire to ensure that all members of our community

  • Denounce racism, bigotry, harassment and discrimination
  • Affirm the dignity of every person
  • Celebrate, honor and respect difference
  • Challenge the nexus of power and privilege that create barriers to equitable participation at St. Francis College and society more broadly

In peace and friendship,

Miguel Martinez-Saenz

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