Donald Trump and the Rise of the Alt-Right
St. Francis College welcomed Fred and Jacob Siegel on October 11, 2016 for a talk about Donald Trump and the rise of the Alt-Right as part of the Fall 2016 Senior Lecture Series - Inequality and Minorities in American Culture.
(Watch the Siegels on the Rise of the Alt-Right)
Jacob Siegel is a freelance reporter for The Daily Beast. He was an author and editor of Fire and Forget: Short Stories From the Long War, the first anthology of fiction written by Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.
Fred Siegel is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a City Journal contributing editor, and a scholar-in-residence at St. Francis College. He recently published the book, The Revolt Against the Masses: How Liberalism Has Undermined the Middle Class.
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Previously, Siegel was a visiting professor of modern American history at the University of Paris, an original contributor editor of City Journal, and a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study. Siegel is the author of The Future Once Happened Here: New York, D.C., L.A., and the Fate of America's Big Cities (1997), named by Peter Jennings as one of the 100 most important books about the U.S. in the twentieth century; and The Prince of the City: Giuliani, New York, and the Genius of American Life (2005). His articles and commentary frequently appear in The New Republic, Claremont Review of Books, The Atlantic, Public Interest, Commentary, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Weekly Standard, and Washington Post.
The event was sponsored by American Studies, History, Crime & Popular Culture, Peace & Justice, Provost's Office, Sociology & Criminal Justice and the Women's Center.