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Student Life
February 20, 2018

Early National Literature in America - SFC Professor Ian Maloney

St. Francis College English Professor Ian Maloney explored the Origins of Early National Literature in America on February 20, 2018 as part of the Spring 2018 Senior Citizen Lecture Series, "From New Nation to World Power: Culture, Politics, and Society in the United States, 1789-1896."

(Learn the Origins of Early National Literature in America)

Professor Maloney is an expert on 19th century American literature. He is the author of Melville's Monumental Imagination and several additional pieces on Herman Melville, Walt Whitman, William Apess, and Saul Bellow. He is also the Coordinator of the Walt Whitman Writers Series at St. Francis College.

Ian Maloney

Speakers for the series, From New Nation to World Power, are programmed by History Professor Sara Rzeszutek.

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