Fall 2020 Reopening Plans: Update From President Miguel Martinez-Saenz Stats
Many of you want to know where things stand for our return in fall 2020. I'd like to provide you the current status of our decision making.
The St. Francis College Committee for Reopening – which consists of a coordinating committee and ten working groups headed by SFC Associate Dean Monica Michalski and Executive Director of Human Resources Richard Grasso – is currently constructing comprehensive recommendations for a phased return to campus. Constituents across the campus are providing input.
The Reopening Plan will address all aspects of campus life, including the manner in which faculty will instruct their courses, under what conditions we host events on campus, when and if staff will work from home, how residence halls will function, and the sanitation practices employed in our facilities, among many other considerations.
All our planning is informed by guidance that includes but is not limited to:
- The New York Governor's plans set forth in New York Forward
- Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Guidelines by The American College Health Association (ACHA)
- The Commission on Independent Colleges & Universities (CICU) report, "Creating Safe and Resilient Campuses: Suggestions for Reopening and Reimagining Colleges and Universities in New York" (May 2020)
As we finalize the Reopening Plan to meet New York State requirements, we look forward to sharing updates with you regularly on topics including but not limited to:
- Health and Safety
- Operations, Facilities and Infrastructure
- Athletics and Events
- Human Resources and Accommodations
Our intent is to complete our planning for fall 2020 by August 1st.
We know that top of mind for many of you is course instruction: whether classes will be taught in person at 180 Remsen Street, remotely using online technology, or some hybrid of the two. We will confirm a path when we know with certainty that it will best serve the interests of our students, faculty and staff.
Finally, no matter what our fall semester looks like, our students will receive the education they expect and deserve, and our faculty and staff will work in an environment in which they are supported and respected. This spring, our faculty demonstrated incredible ingenuity in the classroom and our students completed the semester despite facing many personal challenges. Our students will continue to benefit from faculty's dedication and creativity no matter the pedagogical modality used.
We will remain in regular contact with you. Please reach out to our administrators who are all available via email all summer
Stay well and stay safe. You will hear from me soon.