Gay Rights Activist and Original Stonewall Protestor Donald Gallagher to Take Part in Q&a About His History and His Art

Donald Gallagher, Stonewall witness, gay rights activist and artist
The Stonewall Uprising & 50 Years of Gay Liberation
St. Francis College, 8th Floor Franciscan Brothers Conference Room
180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights
Monday, April 15, 2019
12:20 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
FREE & Open to the Public
To register, contact Dr. Sara Rzeszutek at [email protected] or 718-489-2002 by April 11.
Fifty years after the watershed Stonewall uprising – a turning-point in this country's gay liberation movement -- Donald Gallagher, a witness and participant, will take part in a Q&A discussion about growing up as a gay man, his experience at Stonewall and what he sees as its legacy.
Gallagher was among those New Yorkers who took to the streets in spontaneous protest after police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village, on June 28, 1969. The demonstrations brought to light the unjust legal and social status afforded gay Americans and galvanized a new generation of activists to push for respect and equality.
After Stonewall, Gallagher pursued a life in both activism and in art, identifying as part of the Radical Faeries, a spiritual queer consciousness network started in the 1970s.
"Stonewall ushered in much more than the gay liberation movement in legal and political arenas. It also set the stage for powerful new spiritual and artistic endeavors that gay men and women found freedom to pursue. I look forward to discussing these topics and more with Donald," said Dr. Sara Rzeszutek, SFC associate professor of history who will interview Gallagher at the event.
The Stonewall Uprising & 50 Years of Gay Liberation is sponsored by the St. Francis College Center for Women's and Gender Studies. It is free and open to the public, and lunch will be provided.
To attend, contact Dr. Rzeszutek at [email protected] or 718-489-2002 by April 11.