Jewish & Christian World-Views in Elie Wiesel's, Night
Alan Astro, Professor of Languages & Literature at Trinity University, speaks about Elie Wiesel's Night, the archetypal Holocaust survivor account which was originally published in Yiddish. Critics have claimed that the translations into French and English mute Wiesel's anger at the non-Jewish world and casts the Holocaust in Christian, rather than Jewish, terms. This presentation will show how the charge is unfair. Rather, the original and the translations of Night blend Jewish and Christian world-views.
Dr. Alan Astro is a Professor of Modern Languages & Literatures at Trinity University. He is the author of: Yiddish South of the Border (University of New Mexico Press), Discourses of Jewish Identity in 20th Century France (Yale French Studies, No. 85), and Understanding Samuel Beckett (University of South Carolina Press). He received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1985.
The event was organized by Sociology and Criminal Justice Professor Emily Horowitz.