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Student Life
July 24, 2018

Letter From the President

word cloud

For inauguration, we created a word cloud based on President Miguel Martinez-Saenz's speech. The result graphically displays his plans and priorities.

As I complete my first academic year and approach my one year anniversary, I recognize that my presence in Brooklyn and at St. Francis College has had a profound impact on my sense of hope and possibility—positively speaking. It is hope amidst the challenges that enable us to embrace change even when we recognize the deep sense of loss that is present. I mention almost every chance I get how humbling it has been to be invited to lead the College at this juncture. While I believe that many changes are necessary, our spirit and mission still hold true and sit at the core of every decision we will make. It was the spirit of place and the commitment to mission so many strive to fulfill each day that first drew me to the challenge of leading St. Francis College. Of significance, my respect for the work of my predecessors is daunting and inspiring.

And, given the work that all our faculty and staff do to create some of the most impressive learning and living conditions in the world, I would be remiss not to recognize the talent in our midst. In this issue, I want to express my gratitude to the people who devoted years of their lives in service to our students and alumni. Some you will know, others you may have encountered once or twice, but all of them made significant contributions to St. Francis College and have impacted the lives of many.

Thank you very much.

Among the changes you may notice when you visit are the following:

1. While we have been in the process of updating our Enrollment Management operations, we are also relocating this component of the College to the first floor, creating a more welcoming introduction to campus.

2. By combining the offices of Development and Alumni Relations into a new Office of Advancement, all now located on the 8th floor, we hope to better engage and link together the thousands of alumni and friends of the College who want to have a stronger and deeper relationship with St. Francis.

3. The launch of a new Office of Mission, Ministry & Interfaith Dialogue, located in what was formerly the first floor chapel, is part of our strategic plan to reinforce our commitment to Franciscan Values.

There is much, much more. Our hope is to position the College to continue to thrive and to provide an excellent education to all those inclined to embrace an education rooted and grounded in the Franciscan Tradition.

Lastly, as you read this issue, we'd like you to reflect on your reading experience. We are trying something new by postingit only online. You have two ways to read it:

  • as a downloadable PDF in the format of a regular issue
  • or as a webpage that you can easily scroll through on your phone, tablet or desktop computer.

We ask you to please take the survey on this page and let us know how you feel.

The next issue of Terrier will be a hard copy with the Donor Report, mailed to you in late fall. Your survey submissions will help determine the future of Terrier in 2019.

In peace and friendship,

miguel martinez saenz


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