Past Events
Bro. Urban Gonnoud Golf Outing
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Robert Smith '72, Frank J. Silvestri '53, Assistant Athletic Director Carl Quigley '75, and Thomas Quigley '52.
Our 2017 golfers.

Glenn Braica, David B. Loutfi '13, Joseph M. Acciarito '12, Christopher M. Gibbons '97, Jaime Chauca, Marie Dattero, Rob Oliva '04, President Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Danny A. Plaza '05, and Chase Licata.
2017 Accounting Affinity Group Reception
Friday, October 20, 2017
Phoebe '17 and Bono '11 Lee.

Kelsey Papanicolaou '17, Professor John Lombardo, and Evelyn Bedoya '17.
The Women's Leadership Network (WLN) Career Building Workshop:First Impressions
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Dyanne M. Rosado '95, Jessica C. Boiardi '05, and Josephine B. Leone '08.
Arianna A. Sartzetakis '19, Saundra Thomas, Judy A. Rice '79, Elizabeth G. Mindlin '81, Dyanne M. Rosado '95, Jessica C. Boiardi '05, Danielle R. Francavilla '19, and Josephine B. Leone '08.
Alumni Night
Friday, November 17, 2017
President Miguel Martinez-Saenz and former Alumni Board President Patrick Dugan '01 with our honorees: Frank D. Petrizzo '75, Dorothy E. Gurreri '79, and Robert J. Wisniewski '87.
Our 40th Anniversary Class: Timothy Cole '78, Jeanmarie Costello '78, Kathleen King '78, Patricia Logan '78, Mary Anne Killeen '78, Elizabeth A. Becker '78, and Leonard Lubrano
Naples Alumni Reunion
Saturday, March 17, 2018
President Miguel Martinez-Saenz with our Naples alumni.
Our Naples alumni.
Golden Terriers Luncheon
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Dennis McDermott '74 shows his original letter jacket from his playing days at St. Francis College. Watch his entire speech:
President Miguel Martinez-Saenz and our alumni from the 1950s.

President Miguel Martinez-Saenz and our alumni from the Class of 1967.
Our Golden Terriers from the 1960s.
President Miguel Martinez-Saenz and our alumni from the Class of 1968.