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November 29, 2017

Poet Susan Miller Shares Communion of Saints

The Women's Poetry Initiative at St. Francis College and the Department of English welcomed Susan Miller, two-time winner of the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg prize for poetry, to read from her new collection of poems, Communion of Saints (Paraclete Press, 2017) on November 29, 2017. She also answered questions about her poems and her writing process.

(Watch Poet Susan Miller)

With a forward by Mark Doty and praise from poets such as Marie Ponsot, Paul Mariani, and Yehoshua November, Communion of Saints is a stunning, moving work divided into four sections (Faith, Hope, Love, Pax et Bonum), with the final section based on the life of St . Francis as well as Miller's own pilgrimage to Assisi.

susan miller

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