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April 24, 2012

Prof. Edington Receives Project Management Grant

Project Management InstituteAwards Academic Research Grant

Barbara Edington, PMP, Director of the Center of Excellence in Project Management was awarded an acdemic research grant by the Project Management Institute (PMI) for a study that will offer insight into the arts community and the creative process. Her focus will be particularly on the unique hurdles artists face (logistical, financial and regulatory) as they strive to complete high quality work. The study seeks to serve as a valuable tool for project management students and to show how a project management framework could offer substantial value to artists.

PMI's mission is to "advance the practice, science and profession of project management throughout the world in a conscious and proactive manner." Grants are funded through the PMI® Research Program. Six grants were awarded in all by PMI.

"I congratulate this year's research grant recipients, who are committed to developing new project management knowledge and whose work demonstrates the enormous value that project management offers for all industries," said Lewis M. Gedansky, PhD, vice president of governance and executive programs for PMI. "These research projects touch on many cutting edge theories in project management - including decision-making processes around portfolio management and insights in stakeholder management - and have implications spanning government, healthcare policy and the arts."

Grantees were selected based on their insight and ability to provide new knowledge that will help graduates and organizations improve performance, drive innovation and increase competitive advantage for long-term success. The 2012 academic grant recipients were selected from a pool of nearly 125 proposals.

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