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December 18, 2007

Ranking the New Global Players

St. Francis Professor John Dilyard, Global Project Coordinator of Emerging Market Global Players Project

St. Francis Professor and Management Department Chairman John Dilyard for the past year has been at the center of a major new initiative sponsored by the Columbia Program on International Investment that will identify and rank the largest globally-active multinational corporations from emerging markets (MNEs). For the first time, businessmen, investors and scholars will know the names of hundreds of companies across all industries that are competing worldwide, even against the largest companies in the United States, Europe and Japan.

Dr. Dilyard is the Global Project Coordinator of the Emerging Market Global Players (EMGP) Project sponsored by The Columbia Program on International Investment (CPII), a joint venture between The Earth Institute and the Columbia Law School. Two ranking lists, one for Brazil and the other for Russia, were published in December, and several more, representing China/Hong Kong, India, Israel, Slovenia, South African and Turkey are on target for release in early 2008.

"This a highly collaborative effort between CPII and the participating colleges, universities and research institutions in the emerging markets," said Dr. Dilyard. "Right now 15 countries are represented in the project, and eventually we plan to have at least 26. The project simply could not function without the effort and dedication of the supporting institutions."

The EMGP Project brings together key researchers on foreign direct investment from leading institutions in emerging markets to annually identify and rank emerging market based MNEs based on the level of foreign assets they hold. The institutions are well-known within their own countries and, frequently, across the globe; The Brazil list was prepared by Fundação Dom Cabral, and the Russian list by SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management. This is the only ranking list of its kind, and will provide information on companies that is not easily found elsewhere.

"Already we've generated a lot of interest in periodicals like The Economist, the Financial Times, Le Figaro, and Pravda, as well as in the Associated Press, Reuters, and Bloomberg News" added Professor Dilyard. "The lists also are expected to be valuable to private and institutional investors looking for growing new investment opportunities, and to rating agencies that will be following developments in emerging markets."

All surveys, plus information on all the activities in which CPII is involved, can be found at

St. Francis College, founded in 1859 by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, is located in Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. Since its founding, the College has pursued its Franciscan mission to provide an affordable, high-quality education to students from New York City's five boroughs and beyond.
St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201

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