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November 11, 2015

Rockaway Entrepreneurs Share Success Stories

Rockaway Beach has become one of the most innovative, creative and dynamic areas in New York City, especially so for enterprising entrepreneurs. With the massive investment in local infrastructure due, to the calamitous Super Storm Sandy, Rockaway is poised for a major revival; the likes that come along only once in a lifetime. The St. Francis College Center for Entrepreneurship hosted four entrepreneurs from The Rockaways on November 11, 2015.

Watch Four Rockaway Entrepreneurs Share Their Success Stories

Meet four individuals who decided to open businesses in Rockaway. Hear what drove their decisions to put their capital and careers at risk by investing their own time, energy and money into creating businesses that in turn have created jobs and a sense of revival in Rockaway Beach.

What were their biggest hurdles, challenges, surprises; both good and bad? What advice do they have for someone interested in opening their own business?

Have you been to Rockaway Beach during the summer? Are you familiar with these businesses? Come meet the people who started them. These are real life entrepreneurs.

Kevin Boyle, Owner & Publisher of the Rockaway Times, a weekly Newspaper

Steve Stathis, Owner & Operator of Boarders, a surf shop with several outlets throughout the Rockaways

Morgan Shannon, Co-Owner & Operator of Coastal Frozen Yogurt, a brand new, one of a kind yogurt shop in Rockaway

Jeannie McHale, Co-Owner & Operator of Local Liquids, a successful Health Food store on Rockaway's main strip

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