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Student Life
October 4, 2016

Sexting & Young People

St. Francis College welcomed Alyce McGovern on October 4, 2016 to talk about Sexting and Young People as part of the Fall 2016 Senior Citizen Lecture Series: Inequality and Monorities in American Culture organized by Sociology and Criminal Justice Professors Emily Horowitz and Nickie Phillips.

(Learn About Sexting & Young People)

alyce mcgovernMcGovern explored young people's practices and perceptions of sexting and the ways in which sexting has been represented and responded to by the media, education campaigns and the law. She also analyzed the important broader socio-legal issues raised by sexting and the appropriateness of current responses. McGovern is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

The talk was sponsored by American Studies, History, Crime & Popular Culture, Peace & Justice, Provost's Office, Sociology & Criminal Justice, and the Women's Center.

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