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December 2, 2015

SFC Asked - Hundreds Gave

First Giving Tuesday Raises $25,000 in Day Long Push

The call went out from St. Francis College, you've bought your gifts post-Thanksgiving and now it was time to give back... and they did. More than 225 people donated more than $25,000 in a daylong celebration of Giving Tuesday, the first time the College has promoted an event around the day, when people are asked to support their favorite charities.

In addition to raising money for scholarships, St. Francis also collected cans for CHiPS soup kitchen and honored three student groups for their year-round community service: Tau Kappa Epsilon, the Latin American Society, and Kappa Theta Nu.

"Our first Giving Tuesday effort was a success thanks to members of the SFC family who stepped up as givers, getters, social media gurus and true champions of Terrier Pride," said Thomas Flood, Vice President for Development

Throughout the day photos were posted on social media with the #SFCGivingTuesday hashtag (Watch a video review) and a live event was streamed online featuring interviews with coaches and administrators talking about how important it is to give back to the community.

(Watch a video about #SFCGivingTuesday)

The campaign for #SFCGivingTuesday began in early November with daily Facebook Posts and Tweets highlighting what the day means and how St. Francis College students and alumni can help.

The outpouring of support on Giving Tuesday is a continuation of a trend that shows an increase of more than 80% in the number of people who have contributed to St. Francis College this year.

For those who missed the opportunity to participate in Giving Tuesday donations can still be made at

St. Francis College, founded in 1859 by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, is located in

Brooklyn Heights, N.Y.Since its founding, the College has pursued its Franciscan mission to provide

an affordable, high-quality education to students from New York City's five boroughs and beyond.


St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201

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