SFC Celebrates Winter Graduates
Commencement Speaker Dr. Lynne Jackson Stresses Faith & Courage
More than 110 students earned their diplomas Wednesday, January 28 at the St. Francis College Genovesi Center as the College hosted the Winter 2009 Commencement.
The Commencement Speaker for the ceremony was Communications Department Chairwoman Lynne Jackson. Dr. Jackson has been with St. Francis College for more than 20 years, helping students make their way from college to a variety of jobs in industries like film, TV, news and more. Her students have showed their appreciation for her hard work by honoring her with election to the College's Duns Scotus Honors Society. During her speech, Dr. Jackson spoke frankly about the challenges that lay ahead; a world racked with wars and conflict. But she also spoke optimistically about the change that is in the air and in the White House. Dr. Jackson talked about the ideals of courage and faith as the cornerstones to make real progress, "Faith in the spirit of service," and "Courage to speak up and the courage to change."
St. Francis College President Brendan J. Dugan was the master of ceremonies for commencement, telling the audience about one graduate who has proudly worked eight years to get her diploma never abandoning her studies in the face of numerous other responsibilities. He also congratulated all the proud friends and family who always play an important role in supporting the graduates through the ups and downs of college life.
In an effort to make sure all friends and family can participate in the special day for graduates, St. Francis College broadcast the graduation ceremony live on the College's website. (Watch Winter Commencement).
Among the graduates are:
Lucille Chong
Lucille Chong put both of her daughters through college before returning to St. Francis College to complete her degree in Business Administration. The St. Francis College Career Center helped her find a job at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn where she will begin working as an accountant in February. "I have been attending St. Francis College for many years and this is a great accomplishment for me. During my years at St. Francis, I met some great people who supported and guided me to the end. Ms. Naomi Kinley, Director of Career Development, always made time to return my calls and emails, or to meet with me and offer advice. Professor Gerald J. Galgan is the best professor I had during my years at the college. He knows his work and challenges his students to reach their full potential. He always made himself available to meet with his students and answer any questions they had. Philosophy was the last course I had to take to complete my studies. Under Professor Galgan, it was also the best. Some of my fellow classmates even changed their area of focus to Philosophy because of Professor Galgan. My message to others is that it is never too late to get your degree and pursue an education, because the end result is priceless."
Bryant Nolasco
Bryant Nolasco is a Brooklyn native who majored in Economics with a concentration in Finance. Since his freshman year, he was involved in the Student Government Association as a Senator, assisting at many student sponsored events. Bryant was also an active participant in the English Club, Game Club and helped with the Relay for Life to raise money for cancer research. "Now that I have graduated, I can say since I walked into SFC four years ago, each day brought a different memory that will always influence who I've become. I've met many great professors and staff who have made my time at St. Francis an amazing experience. The fact that SFC is a small school is what helped me to develop relationships. Everyone from my professors to the college President had a positive influence on me. How many students can ever say they had an experience like that?" Bryant currently works as a Credit Manager at Wells Fargo and plans to pursue a Master's Degree in Spanish and Economics/Political Science.
Joe Mikos
Joe Mikos is a Communications Major with a concentration in Film and Broadcasting. He is a co-founder of Distracted NYC, a group of BMX Bike Riders that have shot, produced and distributed several movies featuring the team performing bike tricks and stunts.
Winter Commencement is held for students who graduated in either the summer of 2008 or after the fall 2008 semester.
St. Francis College, founded in 1859 by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, is located in Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. Since its founding, the College has pursued its Franciscan mission to provide an affordable, high-quality education to students from New York City's five boroughs and beyond.
St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201