Spring 2021 Commencement Plans
Dear St. Francis College Community,
I am pleased to let you know that St. Francis College currently plans to celebrate spring commencement in person on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at the Ford Amphitheater on the Coney Island Boardwalk.
The ceremony will include graduates from spring 2020 and winter 2021, along with the spring 2021 graduating class.
We will share more details in the coming weeks. Our commencement plans are subject to change, based on our ongoing assessment of the COVID-19 situation and evolving guidelines from local and state officials.
Your health remains our priority, as always, so we ask you abide by protocols in place to ensure everyone's safety:
- Those attending in-person commencement will be required to wear masks and show a negative COVID test or proof of full vaccination.
- To accommodate the venue's social distancing and maximum capacity rules, we will limit the administrators and faculty who can participate in the ceremony.
- Graduates will also be limited to the number of guests that can join them at the venue. We will announce that number soon.
This spring's commencement will be an online celebration, too. I encourage anyone unable to attend at the Ford Amphitheater to watch a livestream of the ceremony.
Commencement is one of the true highlights of the year for me, as I know it is for so many of you. I'm thrilled to salute our graduates and special guests in person once again this year. I look forward to welcoming our last two cohorts of graduates along with their counterparts from this spring and paying tribute to all they have accomplished.
Please keep an eye on your SFC email and visit sfc.edu/commencement for further information. Our Special Events team will share how to reserve your spot at the ceremony, how guest ticketing will work, as well as additional logistics. They will also keep you informed if the evolving COVID situation in our area requires us to significantly alter our current commencement plans.
If you have questions, please email [email protected].
Have a wonderful remainder of spring 2021 semester, and I look forward to seeing you on May 20.
In peace and friendship,
Miguel Martinez-Saenz