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May 10, 2008

St. Francis Students Excel in Multiple Areas

Honors and Accolades for Psychology and Management

St. Francis College Psychology students Danielle Petrosino, Victoria Gallarello, Sandyrose Rolon, Avalene Persad, Antonia Arsenlis and Stephanie Meja were awarded the Florence Denmark Award for Outstanding Poster at the annual Pace University Undergraduate Psychology Conference on May 10th. The students presented their research entitled: "Evaluation of Personal Web Pages with High and Low Levels of Disclosure."

Psychology Professor Dr. Jennifer Lancaster mentored the winning group whose presentation was one of more than 30 projects presented at the conference. It is the third year that SFC has taken home this particular award and represents the fifth award presented to psychology department students for their research in the last 6 years.

"We would like to thank those who were involved in making the new psychology lab a reality. This project could not have been completed without it," said Professor Lancaster, referring to the research lab completed at the start of the school year and largely funded by the George I. Alden Trust. "In psychology, research is a key component to graduate school admission and this lab is a great addition to the facilities and programs we have in the Psychology Department."

In the Management Department, Nick Keenan, Brian Lara and James Manekas had the most successful result ever for a St. Francis College team in a business simulation program used in their Business Policies class taught by Department Chairman Dr. John Dilyard. Their company, Bounce Electronics managed a top 20 finish among 890 other teams worldwide, ranking 1st in Return on Equity, 14th in Earnings per Share and 16th in Stock Price.

The GLO-BUS Global Business Simulation, marketed and published by McGraw-Hill, requires teams of students to manage all aspects of a company that manufactures two kinds of digital cameras and sells them worldwide. The semester long simulation usually lasts for ten sets of decisions, or years.

"The performance is a testament to the students' business judgment, teamwork, and skill at synthesizing a great deal of information to make insightful decisions," said Professor Dilyard.

Photo: From L-R - Psychology Student Winners Victoria Gallarello, Sandyrose Rolon, Danielle Petrosino, Avalene Persad

St. Francis College, founded in 1859 by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, is located in Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. Since its founding, the College has pursued its Franciscan mission to provide an affordable, high-quality education to students from New York City's five boroughs and beyond.
St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201

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