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November 21, 2016

Starting a Consulting Business

Lou Pastina '79, Chair of the Advisory Board of the SFC Center for Entrepreneurship welcomed Charles Dolan, Managing Partner of Global Markets Advisory Group for a conversation on how to reach your consulting goals on November 21, 2016.

(Learn about becoming a consultant)

Dolan ran one of the most successful firms on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and lived through the post 1987 crash years, 9/11, the Flash Crash, the 2008 Financial Meltdown, and other countless precarious financial situations. Upon leaving the NYSE, he launched a consulting business targeted at financial firms, financial technology companies and companies from around the world interested in accessing the markets in the United States.

charles dolan

After only 2 years he has worked for and guided some of the largest technology and financial companies in the world toward better solutions.

About Charles Dolan

charles dolanCharlie is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross. He worked as Specialist on the NYSE for over 25 years. He managed one of the most successful Specialist firms on the trading floor for many of those years.

Charlie launched the Global Markets Advisory Group two years ago, signing up America's best technology and Finance firms along the way. A frequent contributor to the New York Institute of Finance, Charlie has been a member of the NYSE Board of Governors, the Securities Traders Association, a Trustee of the State of New Jersey Investment Council, an Arbitrator for FINRA, and a Board member of the NYSE Foundation.

He has been a Specialist with Lyden, Dolan; Vandermoolen and Kellogg Capital Markets. In addition, he is a founding partner of Source Office a furniture company in New Jersey.

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