Student Scholarship Recognized on Charter Day

On April 26, St. Francis College (SFC) celebrated its 140th
Charter Day. This annual commemoration marks an important milestone in SFC’s history: on May 8, 1884, the Legislature of the State of New York granted a charter to the Board of Trustees of St. Francis Monastery to “establish a literary college in the City of Brooklyn under the title of St. Francis College,” with the right to confer academic diplomas and degrees.
The Charter Day convocation ceremony features the induction of the newest members of the Duns Scotus Honor Society, named in honor of Blessed John Duns Scotus, a Franciscan scholar. Election to membership in the Society, founded in 1935, is based on scholastic standing, participation in extracurricular activities, evidence of loyalty to the ideals of St. Francis College and demonstration of Franciscan spirit and values.
2024 Duns Scotus Honor Society Inductees
- Cassie Alcindor
- Yacoub Alokam
- Anthony Ammirato
- Ximena Lucio Calzada
- Emily Castellano
- Daniella Catalano
- Anthony Cerulli
- Caroline Castillo Cortes
- Kayla Drugan
- Amal Eldesouky
- Sophia Faustino
- Onelda Feratovic
- Herta Hada
- Jesika Hasankolli
- Daniela Hernandez
- Jessica Huang
- Jurneal Jules
- Kayla Lebby
- Tori Manuel
- Shaina Marks
- Nieves Martinez
- Jean-Paul Annoual Maxi
- Stiven Vasquez Nunez
- Mina Phelopos
- Sheridan Pollonais
- Anna Riddo
- Megan Stafford
- Manuel Diez Teran
- Marisol Toxqui
- Thierry Val
Honorary Inductees
- Tim Cecere, President, St. Francis College
- Keith Hoell, Lecturer, Management & Information Technology
Academic awards for the SFC Class of 2024 also were bestowed at the Charter Day convocation ceremony. Award recipients are nominated by faculty and department chairs for students’ outstanding contributions in the classroom, unwavering dedication to their field of study and overall academic excellence. Congratulations to all of the academic medalists, who are listed below!
Albion Veliu, Academic Excellence in Accounting - B.S./M.S.
Brittany Miller, Academic Excellence in Accounting - M.S.
Antonio Monetti, The Catholic Accountants Guild Award
Mustafa Mohammadi, Service Award in Accounting
Mercedes Cuevas, The Mary Ledermann Woman in Accounting Award
Management & Information Technology
Nathalie Arbelaez, Academic Excellence in Information Technology
Thea Simpson, The Brother Urban Gonnoud Memorial Award in Business Management
Iremnur Elmas, The Dr. Stanley S. Willing Award in Business Management
Sciences, Mathematics, Health Promotion
Zenovia Gonzalez, The Brother Jerome Roses Memorial Medal in Biology
Kousso Monney, The Irving R. Gelfand Medal in Health Care Management
Beatriz Amarante, The Melissa Sanchez Memorial Award in Health Promotion
Alycia Feliciano, Academic Excellence in Nursing Leadership
Ximena Lucio Calzada, Medal for Excellence in Mathematics
Interdisciplinary Studies, Humanities & Education
Strahinja Kiselcic, The Brother Camillus Memorial Award in Global Studies
Lilease Waldron, The Thomas J. Cutie Award in Communication Arts
Tori Manuel, The Lynne Jackson, Ph.D., Award in Communication Arts
Munia Abdulla, The Brother Celestin McGarry Memorial Award in English
Carlos Flores, The Francis X. Slade Medal in Philosophy
Division of Human Sciences, Sociocultural Studies and Social Justice
Kendra Rust, The Gerard F. Doyle Memorial Award in Economics
Julliana Naraine, Academic Excellence in Education
Golani Harte, The John C. Gorman ’38 Medal in History
Maryam Shuaib, Academic Excellence in Political Science
Airam Aguasvivas De Los Santos, The Doctor Louis H. Primavera Medal in Psychology
Miroslava Nebunu, The Uwe Gielen Award for Excellence in Psychology
Brother Columba Reilly Memorial Medal for Scholastic Excellence
Zenovia Gonzalez
Albion Veliu