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October 10, 2017

The Boxing Kings

Paul Beston and Jacob Siegel came to St. Francis College October 10, 2017 to talk about Beston's new book, The Boxing Kings: When American Heavyweights Ruled the Ring.

(Watch Paul Beston and Jacob Siegel)

Paul Beston is managing editor of City Journal, published by the Manhattan Institute.

paul beston

Jacob Siegel has written for The New York Times, Tablet, Politico, the New York Daily News, Vice, and the National Endowment for the Humanities magazine among other places. He co-edited and contributed the lead story to Fire and Forget: Short Stories from the Long War.

The lecture was organized by St. Francis College Scholar in Resident Fred Siegel as part of the Fall 2017 Senior Citizen Lecture Series: Perspectives on American Politics & Policies.

boxing kings

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