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November 23, 2015

The FDNY Knows It Gets Better

Firefighters Share Their Stories to Help Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Youth

The St. Francis College LGBTQ Club welcomed two New York City Firefighters to share the new FDNY It Gets Better video and to talk about their experiences on November 23, 2015.

(Watch the FDNY It Gets Better Firefighters)

Firefighter Brooke Guinan, the only female transgender firefighter on the force was joined by gay firefighter Luke Allen. They talked about why they made the video and how their lives changed when they went public about their sexuality. The video features members of the FDNY talking about how they dealt with their sexuality while growing up and also as members of the FDNY.

(Meet Brooke & Luke)

St. Francis students were heavily engaged in the event, sharing their own personal stories and asking very specific questions about topics like the difficulty in coming out to family and friends and where to get emotional support.

"The LGBTQ club appreciates the investment of time and support as students navigate their own personal journey in sexual identity, gender expression, and career success," said Health Promotions Professor Michele Montecalvo, who moderates the club.

The newly formed LGBTQ club at St. Francis is a groundbreaking part of the colleges more than 150 year history.The Club seeks to create a safe and supportive place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning students at the College. It is not an exclusive club, all allies are welcome to participate.

The event was hosted by Communication Arts Professor Augusta Palmer, Health Promotions Professor Michele Montecalvo and the St. Francis College LGBTQ Club.

St. Francis College, founded in 1859 by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, is located in

Brooklyn Heights, N.Y.Since its founding, the College has pursued its Franciscan mission to provide

an affordable, high-quality education to students from New York City's five boroughs and beyond.


St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201

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